VOL. 66 · NO. 2 | March 2015
Scott Christiansen, John Ryan, Murari Singh, Serkan Ates, Faik Bahhady, Khalil Mohamed, Omran Youssef, Stephen Loss
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 113-121, (10 March 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14063
KEYWORDS: fertilisation, forage legumes, Mediterranean production systems, nitrogen, rainfed cereal cropping, sustainable land use
G. D. Schwenke, S. R. Simpfendorfer, B. C. Y. Collard
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 122-134, (11 February 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14223
Qifu Ma, Richard Bell, Craig Scanlan, Gavin Sarre, Ross Brennan
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 135-144, (28 January 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14190
KEYWORDS: K source, K and Na uptake, low K soil, Na substitution, rainfall
Nimir Eltyb Ahmed Nimir, Shiyuan Lu, Guisheng Zhou, Wenshan Guo, Baoluo Ma, Yonghui Wang
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 145-157, (10 March 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14141
KEYWORDS: hormone, salinity, sweet sorghum, temperature
N. R. Hulugalle, K. J. Broughton, D. K. Y. Tan
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 158-167, (24 February 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14184
KEYWORDS: corn, genetically modified, sodic, sorghum, Vertisol
Julia M. Lee, Nivonne R. Hemmingson, Elena M. K. Minnee, Cameron E. F. Clark
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 168-183, (5 March 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14181
KEYWORDS: Ceres Tonic, defoliation frequency, defoliation severity, forage herbs, Grasslands Choice, herbage quality
K. N. Tozer, C. A. Cameron, L. Matthews
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 184-191, (5 March 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14079
KEYWORDS: grazing defoliation, nutritive quality, pasture performance, pasture productivity, summer grass, yellow bristle grass
Amel Maamouri, Gaëtan Louarn, François Gastal, Vincent Béguier, Bernadette Julier
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 192-204, (27 January 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14164
KEYWORDS: competition, forage, grassland, mixture.
C. I. Ludemann, J. L. Jacobs, K. F. Smith
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 205-213, (24 February 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14162
KEYWORDS: dry matter production, legumes, Lolium spp., pasture persistence
T. S. Chuah, M. Z. Norhafizah, B. S. Ismail
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 214-223, (27 January 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13386
KEYWORDS: allelochemical, H. verticillata., L. chinensis, weed management
Cristina Patanè, Alessandro Saita
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (2), 224-234, (24 February 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP14152
KEYWORDS: deficit irrigation, plant density, processing tomato, water-use efficiency, yield response factor
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