Issue 12 - Special Issue: Magnesium in Crop Production, Food Quality and Human Health
VOL. 66 · NO. 12 | Dec 2015
Ismail Cakmak
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), (1 December 2015)
No abstract available
A. R. Dechen, Q. A. C. Carmello, F. A. Monteiro, R. C. Nogueirol
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1213-1218, (21 December 2015)
KEYWORDS: agricultural system, Tropical soils
Mehmet Senbayram, Andreas Gransee, Verena Wahle, Heike Thiel
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1219-1229, (21 December 2015)
KEYWORDS: antagonism, mineral fertilisers, soil texture, solubility
Ch. Srinivasarao, Sumanta Kundu, K. L. Sharma, Sharanbhoopal Reddy, A. L. Pharande, M. Vijayasankarbabu, A. Satish, R. P. Singh, S. R. Singh, G. Ravindra Chary, M. Osman, K. A. Gopinath, C. Yasmin
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1230-1240, (21 December 2015)
KEYWORDS: agro-ecological sub regions, Alfisols, cropping systems, dryland, Inceptisols, integrated nutrient management, profile ex-Mg content, Vertisols
Philip J. White, Helen C. Bowen, Emily Farley, Emma K. Shaw, Jacqueline A. Thompson, Gladys Wright, Martin R. Broadley
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1241-1248, (10 July 2015)
KEYWORDS: biofortification, grass tetany, ionomics, livestock, mineral
Qiying Xiao, Hugues De Gernier, László Kupcsik, Jérôme De Pessemier, Klaus Dittert, Kirsten Fladung, Nathalie Verbruggen, Christian Hermans
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1249-1258, (21 December 2015)
KEYWORDS: magnesium supply, natural variation
Forrest H. Nielsen
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1259-1264, (5 October 2015)
Andrea Rosanoff, Elizabeth Capron, Phillip Barak, Bruce Mathews, Forrest Nielsen
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1265-1277, (21 December 2015)
KEYWORDS: calcium, Ca to Mg ratio, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of global concern, magnesium
Diriba B. Kumssa, Edward J. M. Joy, E. Louise Ander, Michael J. Watts, Scott D. Young, Andrea Rosanoff, Philip J. White, Sue Walker, Martin R. Broadley
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1278-1289, (5 October 2015)
KEYWORDS: bioavailability, calcium, cereal, Phytic acid, ear
Xiao Sun, Andrea Rosanoff, Chunjiang Liu
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1290-1297, (21 December 2015)
KEYWORDS: Eastern Asia, ecological stoichiometry, ecosystem processes, herbivore insects, leaching
Z. Rengel, J. Bose, Q. Chen, B. N. Tripathi
Crop and Pasture Science 66 (12), 1298-1307, (21 December 2015)
KEYWORDS: cadmium, copper, exudation, intracellular magnesium, ion toxicity, magnesium transporters
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