VOL. 64 · NO. 7 | October 2013
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), (1 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CPv64n7_OB
No abstract available
Marion Sautier, Michel Duru, Roger Martin-Clouaire
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 641-651, (4 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13076
KEYWORDS: abnormal weather pattern, herbage balance, rainfall, temperature
Zhengjie Wan, Yuanbao Tan, Minhui Shi, Yuejin Xu, Nader Aryamanesh, Guijun Yan
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 652-659, (4 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13103
KEYWORDS: amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), chromosome elimination, distant hybridisation, introgression, Purple Cai-Tai
Helen G. Daily, Peter A. Lane, Shaun N. Lisson, Kerry L. Bridle, Stuart A. J. Anderson, Ross Corkrey
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 660-672, (4 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13178
G. N. Ward, S. G. Clark, G. A. Kearney, M. R. McCaskill, M. C. Raeside, A. R. Lawson, R. Behrendt
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 673-686, (4 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13003
KEYWORDS: chicory, feed on offer, herbage accumulation rate, kikuyu, lucerne, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue
Edith N. Khaembah, François Gastal, Serge Carre, Louis J. Irving, Philippe Barre, Cory Matthew
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 687-695, (30 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13066
KEYWORDS: divergent selection, nitrogen remobilisation, senescence
Alejandra E. Ribera, Marjorie M. Reyes-Díaz, Miren R. Alberdi, Daniela A. Alvarez-Cortez, Zed Rengel, María de la Luz Mora
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 696-707, (4 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13161
KEYWORDS: antioxidative compounds, manganese tolerance, perennial ryegrass, photosynthesis, superoxide dismutase
Deirdre Lemerle, Peter Lockley, Eric Koetz, Simon Diffey
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 708-715, (4 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13211
KEYWORDS: competition, herbicides, ryegrass, weed ecology, weeds in grain, wheat
P. Tian, T.-N. Le, E. J. Ludlow, K. F. Smith, J. W. Forster, K. M. Guthridge, G. C. Spangenberg
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 716-725, (4 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13067
KEYWORDS: colonisation, ergovaline, lolitrem B, Lolium, morphogenesis, peramine, symbiosis
Muhammad Javid, Pingjie Zhang, Paul W. J. Taylor, Sarah J. Pethybridge, Tim Groom, Marc E. Nicolas
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (7), 726-735, (4 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13064
KEYWORDS: growth recovery, interaction, Pyrethrum, ray blight, tolerance responses, Waterlogging
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