Issue 5 - Special Issue: Making Better Fertiliser Decisions for Cropping Systems in Australia
VOL. 64 · NO. 5 | Aug 2013
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), (1 August 2013)
No abstract available
Simon D. Speirs, Doug J. Reuter, Ken I. Peverill, Ross F. Brennan
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 417-423, (1 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: cereal, grain production, legume, nitrogen, oilseed, phosphorus, potassium, Relative yield, response calibration, soil test criteria, sulfur
G. Watmuff, D. J. Reuter, S. D. Speirs
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 424-434, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: cereal, crop type, cropping system, Grain protein, national database, nitrogen, oilseed, online access, organic carbon, phosphorus, potassium, pulse, rotations, single year and longer term experiments, soil test inter-conversions, soil type and texture, spatial, statistics, subsoil nutrient status, sulfur, tillage and stubble systems
C. B. Dyson, M. K. Conyers
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 435-441, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: critical interval, calibration curve, errors of observation in both x and y in regression, wrong-way regression, data truncation
Michael J. Bell, Wayne Strong, Denis Elliott, Charlie Walker
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 442-460, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: barley, critical range, critical test, cropping system, direct drill, fertiliser experiment, incubation test, organic carbon, wheat, soil type, texture, Total nitrogen, zero till
Philip W. Moody, Simon D. Speirs, Brendan J. Scott, Sean D. Mason
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 461-468, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: P buffer capacity, P diffusion
Simon D. Speirs, Brendan J. Scott, Philip W. Moody, Sean D. Mason
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 469-479, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: Better Fertiliser Decisions for Cropping, BSES-P, CaCl2-P, Colwell-P, DGT-P, Mehlich 3-P, phosphorus buffer index, Olsen-P
Richard Bell, Douglas Reuter, Brendan Scott, Leigh Sparrow, Wayne Strong, the late Wen Chen
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 480-498, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: Better Fertiliser Decisions for Crops (BFDC), critical concentration, confidence interval, Australian Soil Classification, soil acidity
Michael J. Bell, Philip W. Moody, Geoffrey C. Anderson, Wayne Strong
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 499-513, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: critical concentration, critical range, fertiliser placement, Soil depth
Ross F. Brennan, Michael J. Bell
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 514-522, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: bicarbonate-extractable K, canola, lupin, soil test K, sunflower, wheat
Geoffrey C. Anderson, Ken I. Peverill, Ross F. Brennan
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 523-530, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: canola, critical soil test range (CSTR), critical soil test value (CSTV), KCl-40 and MCP extractable soil S, soil testing, wheat
Chris W. Dowling, Simon D. Speirs
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 531-538, (22 August 2013)
M. K. Conyers, M. J. Bell, N. S. Wilhelm, R. Bell, R. M. Norton, C. Walker
Crop and Pasture Science 64 (5), 539-547, (22 August 2013)
KEYWORDS: BFDC National Database, BFDC Interrogator, experimental protocols, fertiliser response, Metadata, nutrient deficiencies, soil testing, soil test calibration
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