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Information on the variation available for different plant attributes has enabled germplasm collections to be effectively utilised in crop improvement. This study evaluated 380 durum wheat landraces, representing a worldwide durum wheat collection from 16 geographical origins, for several phenological and agronomic traits under rainfed conditions of Iran during three consecutive cropping seasons (2008–11). The experimental design was an unreplicated trial for all landraces, augmented by four repeated check cultivars. Best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) representing adjusted genotypic means were generated for individual trials using a mixed model. Multivariate analyses were used to measure the phenotypic diversity within the germplasm collection and relationships among landraces from different geographical regions. Combined analysis of variance indicated significant differences between years, landraces, and their interaction effects, indicating high variability among the germplasm across the years for each studied trait. Low heritability coupled with low genetic advance as a percentage of the mean was observed for days to heading (DTH) and days to maturity (DTM), whereas moderate heritability with moderate genetic advance as a percentage of the mean was exhibited for grain yield (YLD) followed by 1000-kernel weight (TKW) and plant height (PHT). According to Shannon’s phenotypic diversity index, collections from Iran (which represented a high percentage of germplasm tested) exhibited lower diversity in quantitative traits, especially for phenological traits, i.e. DTH and DTM, relative to landraces from other origins. Biplot analyses indicated several significant patterns among landraces from different geographical regions. The landraces with American and Australian origins were closely associated with each other and can be characterised by low yield productivity, high PHT, and high infestation by wheat stem sawfly (WSS). In contrast, the germplasm from Asian origins showed high yield potential and high TKW with good tolerance to WSS. The results indicated that the Iranian landraces with the lowest yield tend to be late in flowering and maturity. In conclusion, landraces with a wide genetic diversity were identified and can be used to achieve breakthrough in the durum wheat genetic improvement.
Photoperiod and vernalisation genes are important for the adaptation of wheat to variable environments. Previously, using diagnostic markers and a large, unbalanced dataset from southern Australia, we estimated the effects on days to heading of frequent alleles of Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, and Vrn-D1, and also two allelic classes of Ppd-D1. These genes accounted for ∼45% of the genotypic variance for that trait. We now extend these analyses to further alleles of Ppd-D1, and four alleles of Ppd-B1 associated with copy number.
Variation in copy number of Ppd-B1 occurred in our population, with one to four linked copies present. Additionally, in rare instances, the Ppd-B1 gene was absent (a null allele). The one-copy allele, which we labelled Ppd-B1b, and the three-copy allele, which we labelled Ppd-B1a, occurred through a century of wheat breeding, and are still frequent. With several distinct progenitors, the one-copy allele might not be homogenous. The two-copy allele, which we labelled Ppd-B1d, was generally introduced from WW15 (syn. Anza), and the four-copy allele, which we labelled Ppd-B1c, came from Chinese Spring. In paired comparisons, Ppd-B1a and Ppd-B1c reduced days to heading, but Ppd-B1d increased days to heading.
Ppd-D1a, with a promoter deletion, Ppd-D1d, with a deletion in Exon 7, and Ppd-D1b, the intact allele, were frequent in modern Australian germplasm. Differences between Ppd-D1a and Ppd-D1d for days to heading under our field conditions depended on alleles of the vernalisation genes, confirming our previous report of large epistatic interactions between these classes of genes. The Ppd-D1b allele conferred a photoperiod response that might be useful for developing cultivars with closer to optimal heading dates from variable sowing dates. Inclusion of Ppd-B1 genotypes, and more precise resolution of Ppd-D1, increased the proportion of the genotypic variance attributed to these vernalisation and photoperiod genes to ∼53%.
For crops grown in Mediterranean environments, translocation of pre-anthesis assimilates to the fruit is of great importance, because hot and dry conditions during fruit ripening diminish net assimilation rate and nitrogen (N) uptake. This field study was conducted to assess the pattern of dry matter and N accumulation and the role of assimilate translocation in pod development of oilseed rape plants in a Mediterranean environment. Four cultivars of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), i.e. three hybrids (Royal, Exact, Excalibur) and an inbred line (Fortis), were grown for two growing seasons (2005–06 and 2006–07) in northern Greece. On average, 581, 1247, 1609, and 2749 growing degree-days (GDD) were required for six leaves, stem elongation, 50% anthesis in main stem, and physiological maturity in the first year, and 539, 1085, 1601, and 2728 GDD in the second year. The R2 of the modified Richards function indicated that aboveground biomass and N accumulation were described with high approximation efficacy. The across-cultivars genotype mean maximum predicted total aboveground dry matter and N content were 1368.8 and 21.4 g m–2 in 2006 and 1655.1 and 25.4 g m–2 in 2007. In 2007, dry matter and N translocation from vegetative tissues to pods were 464.4 and 21.0 g m–2, and significantly higher than the corresponding values recorded in 2006 (264.4 and 17.0 g m–2). These differences were due to greater amounts of dry matter and N accumulating at anthesis and the greater sink capacity of plants (pod number) in 2007. The fact that pod development occurred in a period when N accumulation by oilseed rape plants had stopped led to high values of contribution of pre-anthesis N accumulation to pod N content in both years (92.8% in 2006 and 96.6% in 2007). Results indicated that hot and dry weather post anthesis reduced dramatically the net assimilation rates; thus, translocation of pre-anthesis assimilates was crucial for pod development. The results demonstrate that variation in weather conditions between growing seasons is one of the main causes of seasonal variation in oilseed rape productivity under Mediterranean conditions.
Farmers need methods for assessing the capability of saltland for productive use based on characteristics that are readily measurable at the paddock scale. We conducted experiments on saltland transects with gradients of salinity and depth to watertable at three sites in south-western Australia. Each was planted with five perennial species with at least some salt tolerance: samphire (Tecticornia mellaria K.A.Sheph.), river saltbush (Atriplex amnicola Paul G.Wilson), small leaf bluebush (Maireana brevifolia (R.Br.) Paul G.Wilson), saltwater couch (Paspalum vaginatum Sw.), and Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth). Survival and growth of species was related to depth to watertable in summer and average subsoil (0.25–0.50 m depth) electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (ECe). It has been hypothesised that plant zonation on land affected by dryland salinity is affected by the level of salinity and waterlogging on sites. While plant survival ≥60% could be associated with particular ranges of depth to watertable and soil salinity, our data suggest that the most important factor affecting survival and growth was the presence of shallow groundwater in summer. The range of depths to watertable in summer associated with ‘good survival’ (≥60%) was 0.7–1.0 m with samphire, 0.7–1.6 m with saltwater couch, 0.8–1.5 m with Rhodes grass, 0.7–2.4 m with river saltbush, and 0.9–2.4 m with small leaf bluebush. The subsoil ECe (95% confidence interval) associated with ‘good survival’ was 5–14 dS/m for Rhodes grass, 6–11 dS/m for small leaf bluebush, 7–11 dS/m for river saltbush, 6–16 dS/m for saltwater couch, and 27–65 dS/m for samphire. Growth of the perennial grasses was strongly affected by the presence of a shallow watertable in summer; the size of saltwater couch and Rhodes grass increased many-fold as watertable depths decreased from ∼1.3 to 0.9 m from the soil surface.
Sulieman A. Al-Faifi, Hussein M. Migdadi, Abedallah Al-doss, Megahed H. Ammar, Ehab H. El-Harty, Muhammad Altaf. Khan, Javed Matlob Muhammad, Salem S. Alghamdi
Collection and characterisation of genetic resources are required for the development of new cultivars. We analysed genetic diversity among 18 non-dormant lucerne (alfalfa, Medicago sativa L.) accessions including ten local ecotypes and eight introduced accessions at morphological and molecular levels using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) primers. Standardised canonical discrimination functions for the investigated morphological traits showed that the first function (explaining 75% of total variability among accessions) was strongly influenced by leaflet shape, stipule shape, and the peduncle : petiole length ratio. The 16 SRAP primer pair combinations generated 677 differently sized SRAP fragments (peaks), of which 665 (98.3%) were polymorphic across all 18 accessions. We detected high levels of polymorphism (average polymorphic information content value = 0.96, average of 42.3 polymorphic fragments per primer pair). Based on morphological and SRAP data, local accessions tended to group together in the same cluster or formed individual clusters. Clusters of local accessions at high similarity sometimes correlated with their collection site (Qasemi-2 and Qasemi-3) on molecular analysis. Results of cluster analysis based on SRAP showed no significant correlation with morphological characters based on the Mantel test (r = 0.04).This inconsistent clustering of accessions could be due to the allelic variation (presumably) in a small number of genes (24 traits) contributing to morphological characterisation, while the 677 SRAP fragments (loci) are assumed to be relatively widely distributed across the genome. The wide geographical distribution of lucerne populations across different environments may provide good genetic resources for breeding purposes. SRAP analysis was effective to study genetic variability of non-dormant lucerne. This information will be helpful in assessing selections for lucerne breeding programs to develop new cultivars adapted to harsh environmental conditions.
Pasture-based dairy farms are a complex system involving interactions between soils, pastures, forage crops, and livestock as well as the economic and social aspects of the business. Consequently, biophysical and farm systems models are becoming important tools to study pasture-based dairy systems. However, there is currently a paucity of modelling tools available for the simulation of one key component of the system—forage crops. This study evaluated the accuracy of the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) in simulating dry matter (DM) yield, phenology, and herbage nutritive characteristics of forage crops grown in the dairy regions of south-eastern Australia. Simulation results were compared with data for forage wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oats (Avena sativa L.), forage rape (Brassica napus L.), forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), and maize (Zea mays L.) collated from previous field research and demonstration activities undertaken across the dairy regions of south-eastern Australia. This study showed that APSIM adequately predicted the DM yield of forage crops, as evidenced by the range of values for the coefficient of determination (0.58–0.95), correlation coefficient (0.76–0.94), and bias correction factor (0.97–1.00). Crop phenology for maize, forage wheat, and oats was predicted with similar accuracy to forage crop DM yield, whereas the phenology of forage rape and forage sorghum was poorly predicted (R2 values 0.38 and 0.80, correlation coefficient 0.62 and –0.90, and bias correction factors 0.67 and 0.28, respectively). Herbage nutritive characteristics for all crop species were poorly predicted. While the selection of a model to explore an aspect of agricultural production will depend on the specific problem being addressed, the performance of APSIM in simulating forage crop DM yield and, in many cases, crop phenology, coupled with its ease of use, open access, and science-based mechanistic methods of simulating agricultural and crop processes, makes it an ideal model for exploring the influence of management and environment on forage crops grown on dairy farms in south-eastern Australia. Potential future model developments and improvements are discussed in the context of the results of this validation analysis.
Root turnover may have substantial implications for nutrient and carbon cycling and for plant breeding. Turnover was calculated for a previously published dataset for five types of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) grown in the Waikato, New Zealand. Net root populations were measured with mini-rhizotrons at 2-week intervals for 2 years under well-watered conditions. Measurements were also made for 1 year on well-watered plots (W) or plots not watered (NW) during the summer. We expect the measured root counts to relate more closely to root length than to biomass.
When ample water was supplied, annual gross root production was ∼8 times the average net population, with few differences between the ryegrass types. The general response to withholding water was increased root growth, followed by increased death, and after 3 months there was no substantial net difference between the W and NW treatments. After watering was resumed there was more root growth and death in the NW treatments in the late autumn and winter. The results highlight the importance of making long time-series measurements—differences between watering treatments and depths were sometimes quite different early and late in the experiments. Two ryegrass types had a conspicuous response to water stress, by increasing new root growth at depth, although death rates increased soon after. More research is needed to check for such differences between breeding lines, which might be exploited to improve pasture production in areas prone to drought.
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