VOL. 63 · NO. 5 | August 2012
Roger A. C. Jones
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 399-418, (13 August 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP12117
KEYWORDS: contact and seed transmission, control, ecology, economic importance, field experiments, forage legumes, improvement programs, insect vectors, pastures, occurrence, surveys
V. Devasirvatham, D. K. Y. Tan, P. M. Gaur, T. N. Raju, R. M. Trethowan
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 419-428, (9 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11218
KEYWORDS: genetic variation, legumes, pollen, semi-arid tropics, tolerance
J. A. Kirkegaard, S. J. Sprague, P. J. Hamblin, J. M. Graham, J. M. Lilley
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 429-443, (16 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP12163
KEYWORDS: feed gap, grazing crops, mixed farm, rapeseed, sheep
Kedar Nath Adhikari, Owain Rhys Edwards, Shaofang Wang, Thomas James Ridsdill-Smith, Bevan Buirchell
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 444-451, (13 August 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP12189
KEYWORDS: aphid abundance, aphid resistance, gramine, lupin alkaloids, resistance breeding, yellow lupin
Gang Pan, Ping Si, Qin Yu, Jumin Tu, Stephen Powles
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 452-458, (25 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP12065
KEYWORDS: cytochrome P450 inhibitor, Lupinus angustifolius L., metribuzin tolerance, photosynthesis, psbA gene sequence
Xuekuan Chen, Phillip Jackson, Wankuan Shen, Haihua Deng, Yuanhong Fan, Qiwei Li, Fengduo Hu, Xianming Wei, Jiayong Liu
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 459-466, (13 August 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP12113
KEYWORDS: breeding, Genetic correlations, germplasm exchange, selection
E. A. Drew, M. D. Denton, V. O. Sadras, R. A. Ballard
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 467-477, (13 August 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP12032
KEYWORDS: Field pea, Mediterranean, nodulation, effectiveness, Pisum sativum, Rhizobia
Sha Wang, Enli Wang, Fei Wang, Liang Tang
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 478-488, (13 August 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11332
KEYWORDS: APSIM, climate variability, phenology, sowing time, yield potential
Shahab Maddah Hosseini, Kazem Poustini, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Jairo A. Palta
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (5), 489-499, (16 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11256
KEYWORDS: gas exchange, photosynthetic activity, source sink relations, two-rowed barley, water relations
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