VOL. 63 · NO. 1 | March 2012
Mark Seymour, John A. Kirkegaard, Mark B. Peoples, Peter F. White, Robert J. French
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 1-16, (13 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11320
KEYWORDS: crop sequence, legume, nitrogen, root disease, rotation
Penny Riffkin, Trent Potter, Gavin Kearney
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 17-32, (13 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP10410
KEYWORDS: dry matter, phenology, plant height, pod density, yield components
V. O. Sadras, L. Lake, K. Chenu, L. S. McMurray, A. Leonforte
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 33-44, (13 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11321
KEYWORDS: environment, Flowering, genotype, heat stress, modelling, Pisum sativum, water stress
Christos A. Dordas, Dimitrios N. Vlachostergios, Anastasios S. Lithourgidis
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 45-52, (7 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11181
KEYWORDS: aggressivity, competition, forage, intercropping advantage, LER, monetary advantage
Shu Kee Lam, Deli Chen, Rob Norton, Roger Armstrong
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 53-62, (7 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11296
KEYWORDS: barrel medic, Chickpea, elevated carbon dioxide, Field pea, nitrogen fixation, soil phosphorus status
T. A. White, V. O. Snow
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 63-76, (13 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11250
KEYWORDS: APSIM, biophysical modelling, drainage, Irrigation, pastoral systems
B. R. Cullen, R. J. Eckard, R. P. Rawnsley
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 77-86, (13 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11274
KEYWORDS: perennial ryegrass, phalaris, subterranean clover, white clover, DairyMod
Song Gao, Junfeng Wang, Zhijing Zhang, Gang Dong, Jixun Guo
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (1), 87-94, (13 March 2012) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP11297
KEYWORDS: germination, global warming, seed production, seedling growth, temperate grassland
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