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Broadleaf break crops improve cereal yield through disease and weed control, increased nitrogen (N) availability and other mechanisms. In the rainfed farming systems of Australia the magnitude of the yield benefit is highly variable, yet is a major driver for adoption of break crops which are often less profitable and more risky than cereals. Declining area of break crops throughout Australia has re-ignited interest in better understanding the circumstances in which break-crop benefits can be maximised from a farming systems perspective. We compiled and analysed a database of 167 crop sequence experiments conducted throughout Western Australia in the period 1974–2007 to evaluate the impact on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain yield from the use of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.), field pea (Pisum sativum L.), canola (Brassica napus L.) or oats (Avena sativa L.), or following a long fallow where no crop had been sown the previous year. Adjusted for the years in which each was represented the average yield benefit to wheat compared with wheat after wheat was 0.60, 0.45, 0.40, 0.35 and 0.30 t/ha following lupin, field pea, canola, oats or fallow, though direct comparisons between break crops could not be made as few experiments (3) included all species. For all break crops, the mean wheat yield increase was independent of the level of wheat yield, representing a step-change rather than a proportional improvement in yield. Analysis of the larger number and spread of lupin experiments revealed that break-crop benefits increased in higher rainfall areas, following higher yielding lupin crops (>1.5 t/ha), and that the break-crop benefit in terms of yield and water-use efficiency increased significantly after 1991. These observations were often related to the level and/or effectiveness of diseases or grass weed control in the break crop; however, increased contribution of fixed N was also likely with better legume crops. For both lupin and field pea, the magnitude of the break-crop response declined as rate of N fertiliser applied to subsequent wheat crop increased, although non-N related benefits (disease and weed control) tended to dominate wheat response to lupin after 1989. Significant break-crop benefits from lupins ( 0.40 t/ha) persisted to a third wheat crop (n = 29) but effects were inconsistent beyond that point. The magnitude, persistence and reliability of the break-crop benefits revealed in this study provide a more accurate framework to assess their likely benefit within the farming system. Further information is required to define the key ‘trigger points’ for the major drivers of the response – water, N, weeds and disease – at which the benefits outweigh the higher risk of these crops and would influence the decision to include them within the system.
Area and production of canola (Brassica napus L.) in the High Rainfall Zone (HRZ) of southern Australia has increased significantly over the past decade. Varieties available to growers have not been bred specifically for the HRZ and are generally adapted to the drier regions of the cropping belt. Field experiments were conducted at Hamilton in south-west Victoria in 2005, 2006 and 2008 to identify canola traits and management suited to the HRZ of southern Australia. Nine varieties with different reported maturities (winter and spring types) were sown at either two times of sowing and/or under different nitrogen (N) fertiliser regimes. Dates of key phenological development were recorded, dry matter was determined at bud, flowering and maturity and grain yield and yield components were determined at harvest. Plant traits and climate data were assessed in relation to grain yield. Yields of the winter types were either significantly (P < 0.05) greater or not significantly less than the spring types in all 3 years and similar to those reported under experimental conditions in Europe. This was despite the winter types flowering up to 35 days later than the spring types and spring rainfall being approximately half that of the long-term average. In general, the winter types had greater early vigour, greater dry matter production at the bud, flowering and maturity stages and were taller than the spring types. Regression analysis showed positive relationships between grain yield and pod density and plant size (dry matter and plant height). Plant size was influenced by variety, time of sowing and N fertiliser application rates. Crops in the HRZ were able to sustain more seeds per pod at larger canopy sizes and pod densities than those achieved in the northern hemisphere. Despite the number of pods per g of dry matter at flowering being nearly double that reported in the UK, there was little apparent reduction in the number of seeds per pod. It is possible that higher solar radiation and warmer minimum temperatures in the HRZ of Australia provide conditions more favourable for growth before, and during grainfill. This indicates that different dry matter production and yield component targets may be appropriate for canola in this environment especially in more typical seasons. It is likely that growers will need to sow new, later maturing varieties earlier and with higher rates of N fertiliser than is current practice in Australia. This study indicates that winter types may have the potential to provide improvements to the yield of canola in the HRZ either through the direct importation of varieties from overseas or through the identification and incorporation of desired traits into existing material. It is recommended that a wider range of germplasm be assessed over a greater geographical area to identify traits and management practices to optimise phenology and canopy structure. This information can be used to help inform breeders on crop improvement priorities as well providing tailored management practices to maximise grain yields for this environment.
There is a large gap between the refined approaches to characterise genotypes and the common use of location and season as a coarse surrogate for environmental characterisation of breeding trials. As a framework for breeding, the aim of this paper is quantifying the spatial and temporal patterns of thermal and water stress for field pea in Australia. We compiled a dataset for yield of the cv. Kaspa measured in 185 environments, and investigated the associations between yield and seasonal patterns of actual temperature and modelled water stress.
Correlations between yield and temperature indicated two distinct stages. In the first stage, during crop establishment and canopy expansion before flowering, yield was positively associated with minimum temperature. Mean minimum temperature below ∼7°C suggests that crops were under suboptimal temperature for both canopy expansion and radiation-use efficiency during a significant part of this early growth period. In the second stage, during critical reproductive phases, grain yield was negatively associated with maximum temperature over 25°C.
Correlations between yield and modelled water supply/demand ratio showed a consistent pattern with three phases: no correlation at early stages of the growth cycle, a progressive increase in the association that peaked as the crop approached the flowering window, and a progressive decline at later reproductive stages. Using long-term weather records (1957–2010) and modelled water stress for 104 locations, we identified three major patterns of water deficit nation wide. Environment type 1 (ET1) represents the most favourable condition, with no stress during most of the pre-flowering phase and gradual development of mild stress after flowering. Type 2 is characterised by increasing water deficit between 400 degree-days before flowering and 200 degree-days after flowering and rainfall that relieves stress late in the season. Type 3 represents the more stressful condition with increasing water deficit between 400 degree-days before flowering and maturity. Across Australia, the frequency of occurrence was 24% for ET1, 32% for ET2 and 43% for ET3, highlighting the dominance of the most stressful condition. Actual yield averaged 2.2 t/ha for ET1, 1.9 t/ha for ET2 and 1.4 t/ha for ET3, and the frequency of each pattern varied substantially among locations. Shifting from a nominal (i.e. location and season) to a quantitative (i.e. stress type) characterisation of environments could help improving breeding efficiency of field pea in Australia.
Pea (Pisum arvense L.) is an important legume in many areas of the world, which is used for forage and grain production and could be used in intercropping systems. Intercropping of pea with oat (Avena sativa L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), in two seeding ratios 60 : 40 and 80 : 20, was compared with pea and two cereal monocrops for two growing seasons (2008–10), at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. The effect of the intercropping systems was determined on growth rate, plant height, chlorophyll content, DM, and N yield. Also, several competition and economic indices were used to evaluate the intercropping systems, such as land equivalent ratio (LER), relative crowding coefficient (K), aggressivity (A), competitive ratio (CR), actual yield loss (AYL), system productivity index (SPI), monetary advantage index (MAI), and intercropping advantage (IA). Growth rate of pea and cereals was lower by an average of 39 and 64%, respectively, in the intercrops than in the monocrops. DM yield was the highest in barley monocrop (13.00 Mg ha–1) followed by P80O20 intercrop (11.73 Mg ha–1). Pea monocrop, and P80O20 and P80B20 intercrops showed the highest crude protein (CP) concentration (137, 132 and 130 g kg–1 DM, respectively), whereas P80O20 intercrop also produced the highest CP yield (1552 kg ha–1). The LER, K, and AYL values (average 1.09, 1.75 and 0.29, respectively), were greater for both pea-oat intercrops compared with the pea-barley intercrops (average 0.98, 0.92 and 0.06, respectively), indicating that in these systems there was an advantage of intercropping for exploiting the resources of the environment. The A, CR, and partial AYL values in all intercrops were greater for oat and barley than pea, which indicated that cereals were more competitive partners than pea. The highest MAI, IA, and SPI values were recorded for P80O20 followed by P60O40 intercrops indicating that these intercropping systems were the most profitable. The results from this study showed that both pea-oat intercrops were more productive with high CP yield, and also they showed the best land-use efficiency.
The effect of elevated [CO2] (700 μmol/mol) and phosphorus (P) supply on the growth and symbiotic N2 fixation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), field pea (Pisum sativum L.) and barrel medic (Medicago truncatula Gaertn.) were investigated in the glasshouse. The effect of elevated [CO2] on the growth and N2 fixation at various growth stages of the chickpea and field pea plants (grown on a Vertosol) were also examined. Elevated [CO2] generally increased the aboveground biomass of chickpea (by 18–64%), field pea (by 24–57%) and barrel medic (by 49–82%), but the effect was greater when P was non-limiting. Elevated [CO2] only stimulated grain yield of chickpea (by 70%) and field pea (by 21%) if P supply was adequate. Elevated [CO2] reduced the grain protein concentration of chickpea (by 17–18%) regardless of P input, but increased that of field pea (by 11%) when soil P was limiting but had no effect at adequate P. The percentage of shoot N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) of the three legumes was unaffected by elevated [CO2] regardless of soil P supply. Elevated [CO2] increased the amount of N fixed by chickpea (by 20–86%), field pea (by 44–51%) and barrel medic (by 114–250%) under P fertilisation, but had no significant effect when soil P was deficient. These results suggest that the predictions of future climates on the potential contribution of legumes to maintaining soil N fertility will depend on the particular response of a species to soil P status.
As pressure on water resources increases, pasture species that express traits for improved water-use efficiency (WUE) while maintaining desirable agronomic and production characteristics are needed. The objective of this study was to use a biophysical modelling analysis to test the sensitivity of key pasture plant functional traits on WUE. Biomass production and water use of monocultures of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with varying plant traits were determined under a range of soil, climate, and irrigation conditions. Five plant traits (temperature sensitivity, light extinction, root depth, root partitioning, and sensitivity to water stress) were investigated. Parameters related to root systems had the greatest impact across all environments on harvestable dry matter and WUE. In particular, root depth and root partitioning showed potential for improving both harvestable yield and WUE. These traits merit further attention under more realistic soil conditions, simultaneously taking into consideration other desirable traits such as nutrient capture and agronomic suitability for grazed systems.
Climate change impact analysis relies largely on down-scaling climate projections to develop daily time-step, future climate scenarios for use in agricultural systems models. This process of climate down-scaling is complicated by differences in projections from greenhouse gas emission pathways and, in particular, the wide variation between global climate model outputs. In this study, a sensitivity analysis was used to test the resistance of pasture production to the incremental changes in climate predicted over the next 60 years in southern Australia. Twenty-five future climate scenarios were developed by scaling the historical climate by increments of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4°C (with corresponding changes to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and relative humidity) and rainfall by 10, 0, –10, –20 and –30%. The resistance of annual and seasonal pasture production to these climatic changes was simulated at six sites in south-eastern Australia. The sites spanned a range of climates from high rainfall, cool temperate in north-west Tasmania to the lower rainfall, temperate environment of Wagga Wagga in southern New South Wales. Local soil and pasture types were simulated at each site using the Sustainable Grazing Systems Pasture model. Little change or higher annual pasture production was simulated at all sites with 1°C warming, but varying responses were observed with further warming. In a pasture containing a C4 native grass at Wagga Wagga, annual pasture production increased with further warming, while production was stable or declined in pasture types based on C3 species in temperate environments. In a cool temperate region pasture production increased with up to 2°C warming. Compared with the historical baseline climate, warmer and drier climate scenarios led to lower pasture production, with summer and autumn growth being most affected, although there was some variation between sites. At all sites winter production was increased under all warming scenarios. Inter-annual variation in pasture production, expressed as the coefficient of variation, increased in the lower rainfall scenarios where production was simulated to decline, suggesting that changing rainfall patterns are likely to affect the variability in pasture production more than increasing temperatures. Together the results indicate that annual pasture production is resistant to climatic changes of up to 2°C warming. The approach used in this study can be used to test the sensitivity of agricultural production to climatic changes; however, it does not incorporate changes in seasonal and extreme climatic events that may also have significant impacts on these systems. Nonetheless, the approach can be used to identify strategies that may increase resilience of agricultural systems to climate change such as the incorporation of C4 species into the pasture base.
Understanding how the seed yield and seed quality respond to global warming is crucial for understanding how new grassland establishment responds to global change. This study evaluated Leymus chinensis, a dominant perennial grass widely distributed in the eastern regions of the Eurasian grassland zone, as a model to investigate the effect of increasing ambient temperature on seed production, seed mass, germinability, and subsequent seedling growth. As the temperature rose, there were significant reductions in the number of flowering plants and in seed number per square metre but significant increase in the number of florets and the number of seeds per plant. Increasing temperature decreased the proportion of light weight seeds, increased the proportion of heavy weight seeds and led to a significant increase in the mean dry weight. Germination success, germination rate and the root : shoot ratio of light weight seeds were reduced, while heavy weight seed did not appear to be affected by elevated temperatures. Finally, germinating seeds per unit area was reduced by increased temperature. The reduction in the number of germinating seeds with increasing temperature implies that continued global warming will further constrain new grassland establishment of L. chinensis in the eastern regions of Eurasia.
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