VOL. 88 · NO. 1 | July 2023
Phillip D. Lowe, J. Richard Carter
Castanea 88 (1), 1-36, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.1
KEYWORDS: CYPERACEAE, Cyperus, granite outcrop, morphometric analysis, new species
Charles N. Horn
Castanea 88 (1), 37-48, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.37
KEYWORDS: associated species, competition, May-white azalea, population resurvey, Sumter National Forest
Michaella Ivey, Lissa M. Leege
Castanea 88 (1), 49-60, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.49
KEYWORDS: abiotic effects, invasive species, Ligustrum sinense, Microstegium vimineum, wetland restoration
Robert A.S. Wright, Roderick H. Simmons, John M. Parrish, Michael Ellis
Castanea 88 (1), 61-78, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.61
KEYWORDS: Virginia, Maryland, invasive, waif, introduction
J. Brandon, James T. Diggs, Evan C. Lampert
Castanea 88 (1), 79-90, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.79
KEYWORDS: Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM), fragmentation, endemic species, Ketona Dolomite, Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS)
Ashley B. Morris, Clayton Visger, Shelby Watkins, Cathy Pollack
Castanea 88 (1), 91-110, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.91
KEYWORDS: climate change, Dalea foliosa, Dolomite prairies, geographic disjunction, microsatellites
Benjamin Adam McCullough, Foster Levy
Castanea 88 (1), 111-137, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.111
KEYWORDS: conservation management, county record, exotic, flora, Lycopodiella, wildland–urban interface
Matthew Sheik, Andrea Weeks
Castanea 88 (1), 138-154, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.138
KEYWORDS: checklist, floristics, Valley and Ridge physiographic province, state record, Virginia
Castanea 88 (1), 155-156, (4 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.2179/0008-7475.88.1.155
No abstract available
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