W. G. Legge, J. R. Tucker, B. Bizimungu, T. G. Fetch Jr, S. Haber, J. G. Menzies, J. S. Noll, A. Tekauz, T. K. Turkington, M. E. Savard, T. M. Choo
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 93 (3), 557-564, (1 May 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2012-248
KEYWORDS: Malting barley, Hordeum vulgare L., Cultivar description, yield, disease resistance, malting quality, Orge brassicole, Hordeum vulgare L., description de cultivar, rendement, résistance à la maladie, qualité brassicole
Legge, W. G., Tucker, J. R., Bizimungu, B., Fetch Jr., T. G., Haber, S., Menzies, J. G., Noll, J. S., Tekauz, A., Turkington, T. K., Savard, M. E. and Choo, T. M. 2013. Cerveza barley. Can. J. Plant Sci. 93: 557-564. Ceveza is a doubled-haploid hulled two-row spring malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivar widely adapted to western Canada, Quebec, and the Maritimes. Developed from the cross TR251/Newdale//TR253/Newdale made in 1998, Cerveza was evaluated in the Western Cooperative Two-row Barley Registration Test (2006-2007) and the Collaborative Malting Barley Trials (2007-2008) conducted by the malting and brewing industry before being registered in 2010. Cerveza was also evaluated in Quebec and the Maritimes in 2007-2009. Cerveza's desirable combination of agronomic traits, disease resistance and malting quality, particularly high grain yield and malt extract, should make it a useful cultivar for producers and the malting and brewing industry.