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VOL. 52 · NO. 4 | December 2008

Obituary (1)
Award (1)
Avian Diseases
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 549, (1 December 2008)
No abstract available
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 550-557, (1 December 2008)
No abstract available
Research Articles
Sonia M. Hernandez-Divers, Pedro Villegas, Carlos Jimenez, Stephen J. Hernandez-Divers, Maricarmen Garcia, Sylva M. Riblet, C. Ron Carroll, Barry M. O'Connor, Julie L. Webb, Michael J. Yabsley, Susan M. Williams, Susan Sanchez
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 558-566, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: husbandry, free-ranging, backyard chickens, wild birds, pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, Costa Rica
A. Y. Inoue, A. Berchieri, A. Bernardino, J. B. Paiva, E. V. Sterzo
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 567-571, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: passive immunity, Salmonella enteritidis, vaccination, broiler breeder
Arun K. R. Pandiri, Aneg L. Cortes, Lucy F. Lee, I. M. Gimeno
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 572-580, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: Marek's diseases, eye, retina, pathogenesis
V. Dutta, G. R. Huff, W. E. Huff, M. G. Johnson, R. Nannapaneni, R. J. Sayler
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 581-589, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: turkeys, Listeria monocytogenes, dexamethasone, cold stress, real-time PCR
Alan H. Icard, Holly S. Sellers, Egbert Mundt
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 590-598, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: IBDV, diagnostics, antigenic subtype, reverse genetics
A. Hurley, J. J. Maurer, M. D. Lee
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 599-607, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: Salmonella, phage, SP6, colonization, modeling
F. W. van Ginkel, V. L. van Santen, S. L. Gulley, H. Toro
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 608-617, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: infectious bronchitis virus, Harderian gland, mucosal immune responses, immunodeficiency, chicken anemia virus, infectious bursal disease virus, ELISPOT, cecal tonsil
Yohko Shimazaki, Takashi Horiuchi, Makiko Harada, Chieko Tanimura, Yoshihisa Seki, Yorifumi Kuroda, Kazuhiro Yagyu, Shigeyuki Nakamura, Shoko Suzuki
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 618-622, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: 4/91, infectious bronchitis virus, Japan, vaccine
B. S. Ladman, S. C. Rosenberger, J. K. Rosenberger, C. R. Pope, J. Gelb
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 623-631, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: avian influenza virus, host susceptibility, Turkey, chicken, real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, virus isolation, antigen capture, serum antibody
L. Fuller, R. Griffeth, L. R. McDougald
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 632-634, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, Eimeria, coccidiosis, lasalocid, anticoccidial
H. L. Shivaprasad, Francisco Uzal, Randy Kokka, Derek J. Fisher, Bruce A. McClane, A. Glenn Songer
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 635-640, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: quail, ulcerative enteritis, hepatitis, Clostridium perfringens, genotype A, α toxin, β2 toxin
M. Lierz, E. Obon, B. Schink, F. Carbonell, H. M. Hafez
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 641-645, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: reproduction, Mycoplasma, falcons, raptors, Falconidae, Mycoplasma falconis, Mycoplasma buteonis, Mycoplasma verecundum
L. R. McDougald, C. Hofacre, G. Mathis, L. Fuller, J. L. Hargrove, P. Greenspan, D. K. Hartle
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 646-651, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: chicken, coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis, Eimeria, Clostridium perfringens, muscadine pomace, Vitis rotundifolia, antioxidants, proanthocyanidins, immunity, disease resistance
Fumiya Kawahara, Kensuke Taira, Shinya Nagai, Hiroshi Onaga, Misao Onuma, Tetsuo Nunoya
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 652-656, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: chicken coccidiosis, Eimeria, detection, diagnosis, real-time PCR, E. brunetti
Lara E. Vaughn, Peter S. Holt, Richard K. Gast
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 657-664, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: Salmonella enteritidis, chicken, crop, mucosal immune system, IgA, gut-associated lymphoid tissue, isolated lymphoid follicles, immunohistochemistry
Research Notes
J. Razmyar, S. M. Peighambari
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 665-669, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: infectious bursal disease, VP2, vvIBDV, poultry, Iran
Pedro Villegas, M. Hamoud, L. B. Purvis, F. Perozo
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 670-674, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: infectious bursal disease, VP2, hypervariable region, vaccination
Juan Pu, Xingli Liu, Youchun Guo, Yu Cao, Jixun Zhao, Guozhong Zhang
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 675-679, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: avian reovirus, prevalence, egg-laying chicken, S1 gene, sequencing
S. L. Kuana, L. R. Santos, L. B. Rodrigues, A. Borsoi, H. L. S. Moraes, C. T. P. Salle, V. P. Nascimento
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 680-684, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: Campylobacter, broilers, cecal droppings, feces, cloacal swabs, carcasses
I. Lysnyansky, I. Gerchman, S. Perk, S. Levisohn
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 685-689, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: Mycoplasma gallisepticum, enrofloxacin, resistance, quinolone resistance-determining regions, molecular typing
Y-X. Hao, J-M. Yang, C. He, Q. Liu, Tim A. McAllister
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 690-693, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: avian influenza, Cryptosporidium baileyi, hemagglutination inhibition assay, immunosuppressive effect, vaccination
Ashwini Warke, Lauren Appleby, Egbert Mundt
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 694-697, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: avian paramyxoviruses, commercial poultry, serosurvey
Case Reports
Rocio Crespo, Richard McMillan
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 698-701, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: bacterin, cellulitis, chicken, methyl prednisol acetate
Rômulo G. Antunes, Daniel C. Simões, Alex A. Nakamura, Marcelo V. Meireles
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 702-705, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: Cryptosporidium galli, natural infection, canary, lesser seed-finch, cockatiel, Brazil
R. Ecco, M. M. Luppi, M. C. C. Malta, M. R. Araújo, R. M. C. Guedes, H. L. Shivaprasad
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 706-710, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: Sarcocystis falcatula, schizogony, schizonts, merogony, merozoites, psittacine, pigeon, pulmonary edema, immunohistochemistry
R. Zafra, J. Pérez, R. A. Pérez-Écija, C. Borge, R. Bustamante, A. Carbonero, C. Tarradas
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 711-713, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: ascites, aspergillosis, broiler, granulomatous pneumonia
Jae-Ik Han, In-Pil Mo, Ki-Jeong Na
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 714-717, (1 December 2008)
KEYWORDS: hyperkeratosis, fowl, immune-mediated dermatosis
Avian Diseases 52 (4), 718-719, (1 December 2008)[718:GFAAD]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
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