VOL. 95 · NO. 1 | June 2007
Rob G. Bijlsma
Ardea 95 (1), 1-2, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0101 Open Access
No abstract available
Bernard Spaans, Kees (C.A.) van't Hoff, Willem van der Veer, Barwolt S. Ebbinge
Ardea 95 (1), 3-15, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0102 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Branta bernicla bernicla, body stores, incubation energetics, nest-attentiveness, egg predation
Massimo Bocca, Loredana Carisio, Antonio Rolando
Ardea 95 (1), 17-29, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0103 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Black Woodpecker, censuses, ecological indicators, habitat selection, mapping methods, Mountain Pine, radio-tracking
Marcin Polak
Ardea 95 (1), 31-38, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0104 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Great Bittern, Botaurus stellaris, predation, water depth, conservation biology, habitat selection
Hans Schekkerman, Albert J. Beintema
Ardea 95 (1), 39-54, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0105 Open Access
KEYWORDS: meadow birds, agricultural intensification, dairy farming, Arthropods, Fertiliser, mowing date, foraging success, chick survival
Sara Cabezas-Díaz, Emilio Virgós
Ardea 95 (1), 55-63, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0106 Open Access
KEYWORDS: body condition, egg size, embryo mortality, infertility, precocial bird, laying sequence, physiological constraints
Julia Bojarinova, Mikhail Markovets
Ardea 95 (1), 65-73, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0107 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Parus major, recruitment rates, survival, extent of moult
Maarten Flikweert, Tineke G. Prins, John A. de Freitas, Vincent Nijman
Ardea 95 (1), 75-82, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0108 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Tyto alba, diet, variation, Caribbean
Keith J. Bensusan, Ernest F.J. Garcia, John E. Cortes
Ardea 95 (1), 83-90, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0109 Open Access
KEYWORDS: raptors, spring migration, Strait of Gibraltar, climate change
Carles Barriocanal, David Robson
Ardea 95 (1), 91-96, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0110 Open Access
KEYWORDS: differential timing, Mediterranean, migration, Subpopulations
Włodzimierz Meissner
Ardea 95 (1), 97-104, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0111 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Knot, southern Baltic, autumn migration, stopover strategy
J.W. Duckworth
Ardea 95 (1), 105-113, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0112 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Arctic Warbler, Phylloscopus borealis, Korea, migration phenology, breeding range, historical records reassessment, abundance
Rocío Mariano-Jelicich, Enrique Madrid, Marco Favero
Ardea 95 (1), 115-124, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0113 Open Access
KEYWORDS: intraspecific diet segregation, sexual size dimorphism, wintering grounds, Black Skimmer, Rynchops niger
Arkadiusz Sikora, Anna Dubiec
Ardea 95 (1), 125-133, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0114 Open Access
KEYWORDS: DNA-based sexing, discriminant function, sexual size dimorphism, Jack Snipe
Jenna E. Bowen, Scott A. Petrie
Ardea 95 (1), 135-142, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0115 Open Access
KEYWORDS: artifact ingestion, Mute Swans, Tundra Swans, lead poisoning, Great Lakes
Christoph Randler
Ardea 95 (1), 143-149, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0116 Open Access
KEYWORDS: assortative mating, Carrion Crow, Hooded Crow, hybrid zone, hybridisation, mate choice
Short notes
Pedro M. Lourenço
Ardea 95 (1), 151-155, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0117 Open Access
KEYWORDS: diet composition, diet studies, Grey Plover, polychaetes, Redshank, waders
Book Reviews
Kees Koffijberg, Simon Verhulst, Ken Kraaijeveld, Jeroen C.S. Creuwels
Ardea 95 (1), 157-164, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0118 Open Access
No abstract available
PhD-dissertation reviews
Popko Wiersma
Ardea 95 (1), 165-171, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0119 Open Access
No abstract available
In Memoriam
Ardea 95 (1), 172-174, (1 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.095.0120 Open Access
No abstract available
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