VOL. 86 · NO. 1 | March 2020
John R. Wible, Sarah L. Shelley
Annals of Carnegie Museum 86 (1), 1-35, (31 March 2020) https://doi.org/10.2992/007.086.0101
KEYWORDS: Basicranium, Brown rat, Eocene, middle ear anatomy, Paramys delicatus, Petrosal
James E. Hayden
Annals of Carnegie Museum 86 (1), 37-42, (31 March 2020) https://doi.org/10.2992/007.086.0102
KEYWORDS: Cactaceae, Hispaniola
David S Berman, Hillary C. Maddin, Amy C. Henrici, Stuart S. Sumida, Diane Scott, Robert R. Reisz
Annals of Carnegie Museum 86 (1), 43-75, (31 March 2020) https://doi.org/10.2992/007.086.0103
KEYWORDS: Bromacker locality, evolution of herbivorous dentition, ontogenetic change in dentition
Walter E. Meshaka Jr, William S. Humbert, Malcolm L. Mccallum, Pablo R. Delis
Annals of Carnegie Museum 86 (1), 77-88, (31 March 2020) https://doi.org/10.2992/007.086.0104
KEYWORDS: amphibian, anuran, conservation, ecology, fecundity, management, selection, Succession
John R. Wible, Sarah L. Shelley, Shundong Bi
Annals of Carnegie Museum 86 (1), 89-91, (31 March 2020) https://doi.org/10.2992/007.086.0105
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