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Taiwanese species of the crane fly subgenus Tipula (Acutipula) Alexander, 1924, are reviewed. Six species are recognized with two species beingnewly described: T.(A.) barbigeraand T.(A.) furcifera, both from Nantou. Tipula (A.) shirakiiEdwards, 1916, previously considered a synonym of T. (A.) quadrinotataBrunetti, 1912, is recognized as a valid taxon. The female of T. (A.) kuzuensisAlexander, 1918, is described for the first time. DNA barcode sequences for 12 species of T. (Acutipula) are investigated and maximum likelihood trees resulting from the analyses are presented. The external anatomy of the last instar larva and pupa of T. (A.) shirakii is described and illustrated. Comments concerning the biology and habitats of larvae are presented. A taxonomic key is provided to identify all species recorded in Taiwan, and their distributions are briefly discussed.
Eight new species of ground beetles of the lebiine genus Dolichoctis Schmidt-Goebel, 1846, from New Guinea and the island of Seram are described: D. bisetosiceps from Goodenough Island off the southeast coast of Papua New Guinea; D. ivimkae, D. ocularis, D. latibasis, D. aterrima, and D. cylindripennis from eastern and northern Papua New Guinea; D. lackneri from central Papua Indonesia; and D. mehli from Seram. All species belong to the subgenus SpinidolichoctisBaehr, 1999, which is characterized by the dentate or spinose apex of the elytra and the absence of the anterior marginal seta of the pronotum. This subgenus mainly occurs in the Papuan Region with a few species recorded from the southern Oriental Region and from northeastern Australia. For the new species, differential diagnoses are provided that distinguish them from related or similarly shaped species. A complete new key is provided for the subgenus Spinidolichoctis. Some thoughts on evolution and biogeography of the genus Dolichoctis in New Guinea are outlined.
We present an annotated and illustrated catalogue of all original fossils, casts, and sculpted replicas of pterosaur specimens from the Upper Jurassic Solnhofen limestones of southern Germany that are housed at Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.). The museum obtained its substantial Solnhofen pterosaur fossil collection—almost certainly the largest currently held outside of Europe—as part of its purchase of the vast private collection of the Belgian Baron Ernest de Bayet in 1903. Original fossils include six partial to nearly complete skeletons and a beautifully preserved skull of the rhamphorhynchine Rhamphorhynchus muensteri (Goldfuss, 1831), two skeletons of the ctenochasmatid pterodactyloid Aurorazhdarcho micronyx (von Meyer, 1856), and one large pterodactyloid partial appendicular skeleton of indeterminate affinity. Three of the fossils preserve significant soft tissues, and one of these is also among the very few specimens of Rhamphorhynchus von Meyer, 1847 known to include probable gut contents (in this case, fragmentary fish remains). Two other Rhamphorhynchus fossils have been prepared nearly free of sediment in three dimensions. Despite the significance of the Carnegie Museum's Solnhofen pterosaur collection, it has, in general, been underutilized by the paleontological community. The primary purpose of this catalogue is therefore to increase awareness, and ideally study, of this scientifically and historically important collection of Late Jurassic flying reptiles.
Egg fertility, embryo viability, and fecundity were measured, using experimental hybridization, to produce a profile of reproductive compatibility across a hybrid zone between Hyalophora euryalus (Boisduval, 1855) and H. columbia gloveri (Strecker, 1872) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. Three aspects of the genetic structure of the hybrid zone are discussed: 1) hybrid zone females have normal fecundity, in contrast to typically barren laboratory-reared F1 hybrid females from crosses between widely allopatric parental taxa; 2) hybrid zone females from defined sites along the transect, in comparison to allopatric species matings, showed no reduction in fertility or viability in matings with males from the same site; and 3) a “hybrid sink” was discovered, the moths from which were the least compatible among various inter-site crosses. Topography affects the genetic structure of the hybrid zone, especially by reducing gene flow in relation to rain shadows and associated ecological features. Within the hybrid zone, natural selection has apparently modified postzygotic isolation by favoring compatible genotypes regulating öogenesis. The long-term structure and stability of the hybrid zone is discussed in terms of ecological heterogeneity in complex montane landscapes. The suitability of the “tension zone” model, which depicts an equilibrium between the effects of selection balanced against dispersal, is discussed for the Hyalophora hybrid zone.
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