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Several cranial structures are described for the first time in the Lower Permian seymouriamorph tetrapod Seymouria sanjuanensis: 1) septomaxilla, 2) suborbital fenestra, 3) small denticles on the palate densely spaced in compact rows radiating from a point near the midwidth of the posterior margin of the palatal ramus of the pterygoid, 4) long cultriform process, and 5) posterior Meckelian fenestra. The possible presence of the paraquadrate foramen is also described. In addition, a more detailed description is given for the relationships between the maxilla, jugal, and quadratojugal on the ventral rim of the skull and between the nasolacrimal canal and the anteroventral orbital notch. Reconstructions of the skull include revised dorsal and lateral views and a first time ventral view.
Burton K. Lim, Mark D. Engstrom, Hugh H. Genoways, François M. Catzeflis, Kelly A. Fitzgerald, Sandra L. Peters, Marijem Djosetro, Sandra Brandon, Sutrisno Mitro
An inventory of mammals in the vicinity of Brownsberg Nature Park, Suriname, incorporated a number of different sampling methods including examining museum voucher specimens, an animal-rescue operation, transect surveys, camera photo-traps, and interviews with local inhabitants. We document a total of 125 mammal species present in the Park. These include ten opossums, five pilosans, four armadillos, 58 bats, eight monkeys, 13 carnivores, one tapir, four artiodactyls, and 22 rodents. Nine of these species are reported for the first time from Suriname: one mouse opossum (Marmosops pinheiroi); one naked-backed moustached bat (Pteronotus gymnonotus); four fruit-eating bats (Artibeus bogotensis, A. gnomus, A. obscurus, and A. planirostris); two evening bats (Eptesicus chiriquinus and Myotis riparius);and one arboreal rice rat (Oecomys auyantepui). There are 191 indigenous non-marine mammals presently known from Suriname.
Seven species of shrimps referable to the Thalassinoidea and four species referable to the Paguroidea have been recovered from the Eocene Bateque and Tepetate formations of Baja California Sur, México. The large number of callianassid and paguroid taxa found in these essentially equivalent, very similar formations, is unusual in the decapod fossil record. Only a few other occurrences of such large numbers of fossil paguroid and thalassinoid taxa within a single unit are known; these occurrences range in age from Eocene to Miocene. Cuticular studies indicate that callianassid chelae were bioeroded, possibly by algae. An unusual occurrence of a hash of callianassid chelae may have sequence-stratigraphic value.
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