The present study is based on materials collected during Russian-Vietnamese expedition in July 2012 in Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve of Southern Vietnam. An annotated checklist of oribatid mite taxa from tropical forest is presented. It includes 113 species from 74 genera and 38 families. Carabodes samoensis, Mochlozetes ryukyuensis, Otocepheus excelsus, Pergalumna hauseri, Suctobelbella sexsetosa, Tuberemaeus perforatoides and the genera Carabodes, Mochlozetes are first records from Vietnam; C. samoensis and M. ryukyuensis are recorded for the first time from the Oriental region. Three new species - Dolicheremaeus contactus sp. nov. (Tetracondylidae), Unguizetes latus sp. nov. (Mochlozetidae) and Galumnella tiunovi sp. nov. — are described from soil. Dolicheremaeus contactus sp. nov. is distinguishable from other species of the genus by the presence of the following character states in combination: sensilli bacilliform; all condyles present, and lateral prodorsal and notogastral condyles densely contacted with each other; 10 pairs of notogastral setae of medium size, straight, barbed; adanal lyrifissures located in paraanal position; adanal setae inserted nearly to margin of the ventral plate. Unguizetes latus sp. nov. is distinguishable from other species of the genus by the presence of the following character states in combination: sensili clavate; rostrum rounded; distinct translamella absent; lamellae with lateral tooth; prolamellar line developed; pteromorphs well developed; porose areas A1 rounded, Aa, A2, A3 oval; five pairs of genital plates present. Galumnella tiunovi sp. nov. is distinguishable from other species of the genus by the presence of the following character states in combination: prodorsum with two large teeth laterally; sensilli setiform; rostral setae developed, lamellar and interlamellar setae represented by alveoli; body surface microfoveolate, without reticular pattern; genital setae inserted in two rows on each plate; postanal porose area absent.
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1 June 2013
Collection of Oribatid Mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve of Southern Vietnam, with Description of Three New Species
Sergey G. Ermilov,
Alexander E. Anichkin

Annales Zoologici
Vol. 63 • No. 2
June 2013
Vol. 63 • No. 2
June 2013
Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve
new record
oribatid mites