American Museum Novitates 2004 (3450), 1-12, (23 August 2004)<0001:AROTWS>2.0.CO;2
The spiders of the prodidomine genus Zimiris Simon have a unique spinneret configuration; although seldom collected, they appear to be synanthropic and hence widely distributed. The type species, Z. doriai Simon, was previously known only from the Old World (Sudan, Yemen, and India), but a male is newly recorded from Hispaniola (representing the first report of the family Prodidomidae from that island). Zimiris mammillana Thorell from Java, Z. grisea Banks from Mexico, Z. guianensis Dalmas from French Guiana, and Neozimiris platnicki Alayón from Cuba are newly synonymized with Z. doriai. A closely related species, Z. diffusa, is newly described for females from St. Helena and India, and a male from Socotra, that are hypothesized to be similarly synanthropic and conspecific.