VOL. 29 · NO. 3 | December 2021
Cliff Moran
African Entomology 29 (3), v-vi, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0000
No abstract available
I.D. Paterson, A. Den Breeÿen, G.D. Martin, T. Olckers
African Entomology 29 (3), 685-692, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0685
KEYWORDS: Biocontrol legislation, opportunities and challenges, research progress, weed management
F.A.C. Impson, C.A. Kleinjan, J.H. Hoffmann, P. Mudavanhu
African Entomology 29 (3), 693-712, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0693
KEYWORDS: gall formers, invasive alien trees, seed banks, seed feeders, seed rain, weed management
I.D. Paterson, H. Klein, P.C. Muskett, T.C. Griffith, S. Mayonde, K. Mofokeng, Z. Mnqeta, N. Venter
African Entomology 29 (3), 713-734, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0713
KEYWORDS: Biocontrol success, cochineal, Hypogeococcus, mass-rearing, post-release evaluation
D.O. Simelane, K.V. Mawela, M. Teresa Defagó, A. Salvo
African Entomology 29 (3), 735-741, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0735
KEYWORDS: biocontrol, Cestrum species, Epitrix sp., host-specificity tests, natural enemies
C. Zachariades, L. van der Westhuizen, F. Heystek, N. Dube, A.J. McConnachie, S.B. Nqayi, S.I. Dlomo, P. Mpedi, Y. Kistensamy
African Entomology 29 (3), 742-767, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0742
KEYWORDS: Ageratina adenophora, Campuloclinium macrocephalum, Chromolaena odorata, invasive alien plants, weed biocontrol
C.L. Lyons, K.F. English, J.H. Hoffmann
African Entomology 29 (3), 768-774, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0768
KEYWORDS: Aphanasium australe, Carposina autologa, Dicomada rufa, Erytenna consputa, weed biological control
D.O. Simelane, N. Katembo, K.V. Mawela
African Entomology 29 (3), 775-783, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0775
KEYWORDS: biocontrol impact, coastal climate, continental climate, climatic mismatch, varietal resistance
C. Lyons, F. Impson, S. Bam, T. Mlokoti, J. Hoffmann
African Entomology 29 (3), 784-790, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0784
KEYWORDS: Aristea thalassias, Callococcus leptospermi, Dasineura strobili, weed biological control
G.D. Martin
African Entomology 29 (3), 791-808, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0791
KEYWORDS: Grassland Biome, Drakensberg Grassland bioregion, High Altitude bioregion, Robinia pseudoacacia, Pyracantha angustifolia, Rosa rubiginosa, Rubus sect. cuneifolii, Gleditsia triacanthos
L.W. Strathie, B.W. Cowie, A.J. McConnachie, F. Chidawanyika, J.N. Musedeli, S.M.C. Sambo, E.X. Magoso, M. Gareeb
African Entomology 29 (3), 809-836, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0809
KEYWORDS: host specificity, implementation, integrated management, parthenium weed, post-release evaluation
G Sutton, A. Bownes, V. Visser, A. Mapaura, K. Canavan
African Entomology 29 (3), 837-858, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0837
KEYWORDS: Arundo donax, Cortaderia jubata, Cortaderia selloana, Nassella trichotoma, Glyceria maxima, Tetramesa, weed biological control
C.A. Kleinjan, J.H. Hoffmann, F. Heystek, P. Ivey, Y. Kistensamy
African Entomology 29 (3), 859-874, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0859
KEYWORDS: Algarobius prosopis, Coelocephalapion gandolfoi, Asphondylia prosopidis, Oncideres rhodosticta, Evippe sp
N. Venter, B.W. Cowie, T. Olckers, M.J. Byrne
African Entomology 29 (3), 875-888, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0875
KEYWORDS: Anthonomus morticinus, Anthonomus santacruzi, climatic matching, Gargaphia decoris, native range survey, weed biocontrol, woolly nightshade
L.G. Madire, M. Netshiluvhi
African Entomology 29 (3), 889-895, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0889
KEYWORDS: Agent establishment, Heikertingerella sp., Mada polluta, Pseudonapomyza sp., yellow bells
K.V. Mawela, D.O. Simelane
African Entomology 29 (3), 896-904, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0896
KEYWORDS: Agent establishment, invasive plants, natural enemies, Physonota maculiventris, weed distribution, Zygogramma spp
A.M. King, I.D. Paterson, D.O. Simelane, L. van der Westhuizen, K.V. Mawela, Z. Mnqeta
African Entomology 29 (3), 905-934, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0905
KEYWORDS: insect natural enemies, invasive vines, Anredera cordifolia, Cardiospermum grandiflorum, Dolichandra unguis-cati, Pereskia aculeata, weed biological control
J.A. Coetzee, A. Bownes, G.D. Martin, B.E. Miller, R. Smith, P.S.R. Weyl, M.P. Hill
African Entomology 29 (3), 935-964, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0935
KEYWORDS: Invasive macrophytes, floating weeds, submerged weeds, emergent weeds
M.J. Byrne, S. Mayonde, N. Venter, F. Chidawanyika, C. Zachariades, G. Martin
African Entomology 29 (3), 965-982, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0965
KEYWORDS: Schinus terebinthifolia, transfer projects, Tamarix ramosissima, Tamarix chinensis, Tamarix usneoides, Tradescantia fluminensis
A.R. Wood, A. den Breeÿen
African Entomology 29 (3), 983-1004, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.0983
KEYWORDS: classical biocontrol, inundative biocontrol, weed pathology
T. Olckers, J.A. Coetzee, D. Egli, G.D. Martin, I.D. Paterson, G.F. Sutton, A.R. Wood
African Entomology 29 (3), 1005-1029, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.1005
KEYWORDS: African boxthorn, Cape ivy, crystalline ice-plant, fireweed, invasive grasses, oxygen weed, weed biocontrol
M.P Hill, D. Conlong, C. Zachariades, J.A. Coetzee, I.D. Paterson, B.E. Miller, L. Foxcroft, L. van der Westhuizen
African Entomology 29 (3), 1030-1044, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.1030
KEYWORDS: augmentative biocontrol, biocontrol implementation, inundative biocontrol, job creation, release size, weed biocontrol
K.N. Weaver, M.P. Hill, M.J. Byrne, P. Ivey
African Entomology 29 (3), 1045-1059, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.1045
KEYWORDS: community engagement, community outreach; researcher community, knowledge dissemination; social benefits, economic benefits
P.J. Ivey, M.P. Hill, C. Zachariades
African Entomology 29 (3), 1060-1076, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.1060
KEYWORDS: Agent releases, biocontrol, invasive alien plants, regulatory framework, host specificity
C. Zachariades
African Entomology 29 (3), 1077-1142, (31 December 2021) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.029.1077
KEYWORDS: bioherbicides; classical, inundative and augmentative biological control; exotic natural enemies; herbivory
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