The Paleontological Society is an international nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to the advancement of the science of paleontology: invertebrate and vertebrate paleontology, micropaleontology, and paleobotany. The Society was founded in 1908 in Baltimore, Maryland, and was incorporated in April 1968 in the District of Columbia. The Society has several membership categories, including regular, student, and retired. Members, representing 40 countries, consist of professional paleontologists, academicians, science editors, earth-science teachers, museum specialists, and undergraduate and graduate students and post doctoral scholars, as well as avocational paleontologists.
The Paleontological Society has five geographic Sections – Pacific Coast Section (March 1911), North-Central Section (founded May 1974), Northeastern Section (March 1977), Southeastern Section (November 1979), Rocky Mountain Section (October 1985), and the South-Central Section (November 1988) – and a number of working groups. The Society holds an Annual Meeting, which is ordinarily in the fall at the same time and place as the Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America (GSA). The Sections also hold meetings, which are usually in the spring at the same time and place as comparable Sections of the GSA. At the meetings, members present volunteered papers and poster sessions; the Society normally hosts an invited speaker symposium. Field trips are occasionally offered. At the Annual Meeting, a short course is presented, and the Society has its Annual Luncheon, Awards Ceremony, and Business Meeting.
The Society subscribes to a Code of Fossil Collecting, which was overwhelmingly adopted by vote of membership in 1993. Evolution is both a scientific fact and a scientific theory. Visit this link to learn more about the paleontological society’s position on evolution.
Official website
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