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22 January 2025 Seasonal Adaptation of Mammalian Development: Effect of Early-Life Photoperiod on Reproduction, Somatic Growth, and Neurobehavioral Systems
Shinobu Yasuo
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For the survival and efficient breeding of wild-living animals, it is crucial to predict seasonal changes and prepare appropriate physiological functions and neurobehavioral mechanisms. In mammals, photoperiod serves as a reliable cue for seasonal changes in the environment, primarily transmitted by melatonin. This review focuses on the seasonal adaptation of mammalian development, specifically the effect of early-life photoperiod on reproductive, somatic, and neurobehavioral development in small- and large-sized mammals. Prediction of seasons through early-life photoperiod is particularly important for small mammals, which have relatively short longevity, to adjust their maximum growth and breeding ability in appropriate seasons during the birth year or the following round. Brain plasticity, as well as cognitive and emotional behaviors, are also highly modulated by early-life photoperiods for successful mating and spatial memory for foraging. This review first summarizes the basic knowledge and recent progress in the programming and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of reproductive and neurobehavioral development in small mammals, including C57BL/6J mice, which cannot produce detectable amounts of melatonin. The review then focuses on the influence of perinatal environmental conditions or birth season on adult phenotypes in large livestock and humans. Studies have advanced on the concept of the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD). Evidence from large mammals suggests that the prediction of seasons is crucial for high-fitness functions over several years. Finally, this review discusses the association of the season of birth with life course physiology and diseases in humans, and the possible mechanisms.

Shinobu Yasuo "Seasonal Adaptation of Mammalian Development: Effect of Early-Life Photoperiod on Reproduction, Somatic Growth, and Neurobehavioral Systems," Zoological Science 42(1), 41-51, (22 January 2025).
Received: 30 June 2024; Accepted: 15 November 2024; Published: 22 January 2025
circadian clock
DNA methylation
early-life photoperiod
histone modification
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