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5 November 2014 Revised typifications and nomenclatural notes in N Eurasian Cruciferae
Dmitry A. German
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Original material of 17 names applying to 14 accepted species and one accepted subspecies of predominantly N Eurasian Cruciferae is enumerated and briefly discussed. In most cases, previous typifications contrary to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants or erroneously believed to be effective are revised and replaced with effective typifications. Fourteen lectotypes including one narrowing of a previous choice (second-step lectotype) are designated. In addition, two neglected type designations are confirmed and recognized. Notes are provided on the nomenclature of the treated taxa.

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© 2014 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Dmitry A. German "Revised typifications and nomenclatural notes in N Eurasian Cruciferae," Willdenowia 44(3), 351-361, (5 November 2014).
Published: 5 November 2014
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