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4 December 1998 Primula recubariensis, a new species of Primula sect. Auricula Duby endemic to the SE Prealps, Italy
Filippo Prosser, Silvio Scortegagna
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Primula recubariensis is described as a species new to science, illustrated and its distribution is mapped. P. recubariensis is similar to P. hirsuta, but differs by lilac-violet (not purple) corollas, few remains of withered leaves, a much stronger aromatic scent and features of the indumentum, viz by hairs with distinctly smaller glandules and, particularly, by a high percentage (at least 25%, usually more than 90 %) of four-celled besides three-celled hairs, the latter in contrast to P. hirsuta with a conspicuously slender subterminal cell (2–4 times longer than wide). P. recubariensis grows in shady dolomitic cliffs at 1400–2030 m, on the SE side of the Carega Massif (SE Prealps, in the border zone of the districts of Trento, Verona and Vicenza), particularly on two mountain chains above Recoaro named Il Fumante and Tre Croci. P. recubariensis hybridises with P. auricula subsp. ciliata and this hybrid is described as P. ×vallarsae, a nothospecies new to science, and illustrated.

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Filippo Prosser and Silvio Scortegagna "Primula recubariensis, a new species of Primula sect. Auricula Duby endemic to the SE Prealps, Italy," Willdenowia 28(1/2), 27-46, (4 December 1998).
Published: 4 December 1998
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