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11 July 2019 Scouringrush (Equisetum spp.) control in dryland winter wheat
Blake D. Kerbs, Andrew G. Hulting, Drew J. Lyon
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The adoption of chemical fallow rotations in Pacific Northwest dryland winter wheat production has caused a weed species composition shift in which scouringrush has established in production fields. Thus, there has been interest in identifying herbicides that effectively control scouringrush in winter wheat–chemical fallow cropping systems. Field experiments were established in growers' fields near Reardan, WA, in 2014, and The Dalles, OR, in 2015. Ten herbicide treatments were applied to mowed and nonmowed plots during chemical fallow rotations. Scouringrush stem densities were quantified the following spring and after wheat harvest at both locations. Chlorsulfuron plus MCPA-ester resulted in nearly 100% control of scouringrush through wheat harvest. Before herbicide application, mowing had no effect on herbicide efficacy. We conclude chlorsulfuron plus MCPA-ester is a commercially acceptable treatment for smooth and intermediate scouringrush control in winter wheat–chemical fallow cropping systems; however, the lack of a positive yield response when scouringrushes were controlled should factor into management decisions.

Nomenclature: Chlorsulfuron; MCPA; intermediate scouringrush; Equisetum × ferrissii Clute; smooth scouringrush; Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun; winter wheat; Triticum aestivum L.

© Weed Science Society of America, 2019.
Blake D. Kerbs, Andrew G. Hulting, and Drew J. Lyon "Scouringrush (Equisetum spp.) control in dryland winter wheat," Weed Technology 33(6), 808-814, (11 July 2019).
Received: 1 March 2019; Accepted: 16 May 2019; Published: 11 July 2019
Chemical fallow
scouringrush control
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