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1 August 2018 Benzobicyclon as a Post-Flood Option for Weedy Rice Control
Mason L. Young, Jason K. Norsworthy, Robert C. Scott, Jason A. Bond, James Heiser
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Benzobicyclon will be the first 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)–inhibiting herbicide available in US rice production pending registration completion. An observation of benzobicyclon controlling weedy rice in two field trials prompted a greenhouse and field evaluation to determine if benzobicyclon would control weedy rice accessions from Arkansas, Mississippi, and southeastern Missouri. A total of 100 accessions were screened in the greenhouse and field. Percentage mortality was determined in the greenhouse, and percentage control was recorded in the field. Benzobicyclon at 371 g ai ha-1 caused at least 80% mortality of 22 accessions in the greenhouse and at least 80% control of 30 accessions in the field. For most accessions, individual plants within the accession varied in response to benzobicyclon. Based on these results, the sensitivity of weedy rice to benzobicyclon varies across accessions collected in the midsouthern United States, and it may provide an additional control option for weedy rice in some fields.

Nomenclature: Benzobicyclon; weedy rice, Oryza sativa L.; rice, Oryza sativa L.

© Weed Science Society of America, 2018.
Mason L. Young, Jason K. Norsworthy, Robert C. Scott, Jason A. Bond, and James Heiser "Benzobicyclon as a Post-Flood Option for Weedy Rice Control," Weed Technology 32(4), 371-378, (1 August 2018).
Received: 22 November 2017; Accepted: 4 April 2018; Published: 1 August 2018
Herbicide resistance
phenotypic characteristics
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