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1 October 2006 Survey of Broadleaf Winter Weeds in Indiana Production Fields Infested with Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera Glycines)
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Fifty-five soybean cyst nematode (SCN)–infested production fields across Indiana were surveyed in March 2004 to assess broadleaf winter weed prevalence. The most frequently occurring weeds were common chickweed (87%), speedwell (83%), buttercup (58%), and henbit (53%). Henbit and wild garlic were present at the highest average densities, both occurring at greater than 50 plants/m2. Based on relative abundance indices, common chickweed and henbit were the most prevalent winter weeds in this survey. As a composite, winter weed hosts of SCN were found in 93% of fields and occurred at an average density of 151 plants/m2. No correlation existed between weed density and SCN egg counts. Frequency, uniformity, density, and diversity indices for individual weed species were generally higher in the southern region of Indiana than in the north. Thus, the region of highest risk for SCN reproduction and population increase on winter weeds in Indiana appears to be in the southern part of the state.

Nomenclature: Buttercup, Ranunculus spp, common chickweed, Stellaria media (L.) Vill. #3STEME, henbit, Lamium amplexicaule L. # LAMAM, speedwell, Veronica spp, wild garlic, Allium vineale L. # ALLVI, soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe.

Additional index words: Crop rotation, integrated pest management, purple deadnettle, soil temperature, winter annual weeds.

Abbreviations: GPS, Global Positioning System; GR, glyphosate-resistant.

J. Earl Creech and WILLIAM G. JOHNSON "Survey of Broadleaf Winter Weeds in Indiana Production Fields Infested with Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera Glycines)," Weed Technology 20(4), 1066-1075, (1 October 2006).
Published: 1 October 2006
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