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1 July 2006 Weed Control in Glyphosate-Resistant Corn as Affected by Preemergence Herbicide and Timing of Postemergence Herbicide Application
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Field studies were conducted at three locations during both 2002 and 2003 to evaluate weed control and response of glyphosate-resistant (GR) corn to glyphosate or nicosulfuron plus atrazine applied POST at three application timings with and without alachlor plus atrazine applied PRE. The POST herbicides were applied timely (5- to 9-cm weeds) or applications were delayed 1 or 2 wk. All treatments, except the weedy check, were followed by glyphosate postemergence-directed (PDIR) 4 wk after the timely POST application. Common lambsquarters, common ragweed, Palmer amaranth, prickly sida, and smooth pigweed were controlled at least 94% regardless of PRE or POST treatments. Large crabgrass and fall panicum were controlled at least 96% by glyphosate regardless of PRE herbicide or POST application timing. In contrast, control by nicosulfuron plus atrazine POST in the absence of PRE herbicide decreased as application was delayed. Sicklepod was controlled at least 94% when POST herbicides were applied timely, but control by both POST herbicide treatments decreased with delayed application regardless of PRE herbicide. Tall morningglory was controlled 93% or greater by POST herbicides applied timely. Control by both POST herbicide treatments decreased as application was delayed, with glyphosate being affected more by timing than nicosulfuron plus atrazine. Corn grain yield was similar with glyphosate and nicosulfuron plus atrazine. Yield was unaffected by POST application timing when PRE herbicides were included. Without PRE herbicide, grain yield decreased as POST herbicide application was delayed.

Nomenclature: Alachlor; atrazine; glyphosate; nicosulfuron; common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. #3 CHEAL; common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. # AMBEL; fall panicum, Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. # PANDI; large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis (L) Scop. # DIGSA; Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. # AMAPA; prickly sida, Sida spinosa L. # SIDSP; sicklepod, Senna obtusifolia (L.) Irwin & Barneby # CASOB; smooth pigweed, Amaranthus hybridus L. # AMACH; tall morningglory, Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth # PHBPU; corn, Zea mays L. ‘Dekalb (DKC) 687 RR’, ‘Dekalb (DKC) 69-71 RR’.

Additional index words: Crop vigor, herbicide-resistant crops, alachlor, atrazine, nicosulfuron.

Abbreviations: GR, glyphosate-resistant; PDIR, postemergence-directed; WAP, weeks after postemergence herbicide application; WAPD, weeks after postemergence-directed herbicide application.

ROBERT G. PARKER, ALAN C. YORK, and DAVID L. JORDAN "Weed Control in Glyphosate-Resistant Corn as Affected by Preemergence Herbicide and Timing of Postemergence Herbicide Application," Weed Technology 20(3), 564-570, (1 July 2006).
Published: 1 July 2006
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