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1 January 2006 Effect of Cultural Practices on Weed Control and Crop Response in Imidazolinone-Tolerant Rice
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Field research was conducted for 3 yr to evaluate crop response and weed control under conventional and reduced tillage in drill- and water-seeded imidazolinone-tolerant (IT) rice culture. Imazethapyr was applied at 70 g ai/ha PRE followed by (fb) imazethapyr at 70 g/ha applied POST to three- to four-leaf rice or at 105 g/ha PRE fb 70 g/ha POST. In both conventional and reduced tillage systems, imazethapyr applied PRE fb POST at 70 g ai/ha controlled red rice, barnyardgrass, Amazon sprangletop, and rice flatsedge 87 to 99% 35 d after POST treatment (DAT). At 35 DAT, Indian jointvetch control with sequential applications of imazethapyr was as high as 70% in water-seeded rice but no more than 54% in drill-seeded rice. Tillage, seeding method, and imazethapyr rate had no effect on days to 50% heading, seeds per panicle, seed weight per panicle, or percentage of seed harvest. However, a reduction of 27% in days to 50% heading, 80% in seeds per panicle, 84% in seed weight per panicle, and 100% in percentage seed harvest index occurred when imazethapyr was not applied because of weed interference. Culm number was reduced 28%, and culm weight 32% under reduced tillage compared with conventional tillage. With sequential applications of imazethapyr at 70 g/ha, rice yield was 63% greater when rice was water-seeded compared with drill-seeded. No differences in tillage systems for weed control, days to 50% heading, seed number, seed weight per panicle, percent seed, panicle height, lodging, or yield were observed. Results of these experiments demonstrate imazethapyr will effectively control weeds in both water- and drill-seeded rice and that reduced tillage can be used without negatively affecting rice production.

Nomenclature: Imazethapyr; Amazon sprangletop, Leptochloa panicoides (Presl) Hitchc. #3 LEFPA; barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. # ECHCG; Indian jointvetch, Aeschynomene indica L. # AESIN; red rice, Oryza sativa L. # ORYSA; rice flatsedge, Cyperus iria L. # CYPIR; rice, Oryza sativa L. ‘93-AS-3510’, ‘CL121’.

Additional index words: Conventional tillage, crop injury, drill-seeded rice, reduced tillage, water-seeded rice.

Abbreviations: ALS, acetolactate synthase (E.C.

RONALD J. LEVY, JASON A. BOND, ERIC P. WEBSTER, JAMES L. GRIFFIN, and STEVEN D. LINSCOMBE "Effect of Cultural Practices on Weed Control and Crop Response in Imidazolinone-Tolerant Rice," Weed Technology 20(1), 249-254, (1 January 2006).
Published: 1 January 2006
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