Field studies were conducted to determine the effect of season-long interference of smooth pigweed or livid amaranth on the shoot dry weight and fruit yield of cucumber. Smooth pigweed or livid amaranth densities as low as 1 to 2 weeds per m2 caused a 10% yield reduction in cucumber. The biological threshold of smooth pigweed or livid amaranth with cucumber is between 6 to 8 weeds per m2. Consequently, weed interference resulted in a reduction in cucumber fruit yield. Smooth pigweed, livid amaranth, and cucumber plant dry weight decreased as weed density increased. Evaluation of smooth pigweed, livid amaranth, and cucumber mean dry weights in interspecific competition studies indicated that cucumber reduced the dry weight of both species of amaranths.
Nomenclature: Smooth pigweed, Amaranthus hybridus #3 AMACH; livid amaranth, Amaranthus lividus # AMALI; cucumber, Cucumis sativus L.
Additional index words: Additive experiment, amaranth, cucumber, weed competition, yield loss.