Important and unique breeding bird communities occur in rice fields throughout the world, but little is known about breeding densities and nest success, and, therefore, the value of rice fields to breeding birds. Breeding bird use of rice fields is divided into five categories: 1) nesting in standing rice crop, 2) nesting on levees within fields or at field perimeters, 3) nesting in associated irrigation canals and ditches, 4) nesting in other wet areas that exist because of rice cultivation, and 5) use of fields for foraging, while breeding in adjacent habitats. Nest density and nest success vary greatly based on the region, management practices, and species' requirements. Birds commonly nesting in rice fields include ducks, bitterns, rails, shorebirds, terns and some passerines. Herons often use rice fields heavily while breeding in adjacent habitat. Research on nest densities, nest success, nestling and fledgling success, and microhabitat selection is needed to better understand the bird communities that use rice fields.
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1 December 2010
Breeding Waterbirds in Rice Fields: A Global Review
Sergio Pierluissi
Vol. 33 • No. sp1
December 2010
Vol. 33 • No. sp1
December 2010
breeding birds
nest density
nest success
rice fields