Escobar-Ocampo MC., Castillo-Santiago MA., Ochoa-Gaona S., Enríquez PL., & Sibelet, N. (2019). Assessment of Habitat Quality and Landscape Connectivity for Forest-Dependent Cracids in the Sierra Madre del Sur Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, México. Tropical Conservation Science, 12, 1–16. Original DOI: 10.1177/1940082919878827
In the above mentioned article, on page 12, the acknowledgement and funding statements are incomplete. The correct and complete statements are mentioned below:
The authors thank community monitoring brigades of the Piedras Negras, Plan de Ayala, Nuevo Reforma Agraria, San Juan de los Ángeles, Francisco Murguía, Loma Bonita and Santa Rosa Las Nubes for their support with the fieldwork; Israel Cárdenas Mayorga for the technical and logistical support during the fieldwork; the authorities and inhabitants of ejidos and communities; small and large landowners for allowing to carry out the tours and fieldwork. Finally, the two anonymous reviewers whose comments allowed us enhance this manuscript.
Ecometrica and the United Kingdom Space Agency provided the financial support through the Forests2020 project, for the production of high-resolution maps and for the publication of this article.
On page 14, the (2016) reference details are incorrect. It is currently cited as such: (2016). Global Biodiversity Information Facility. GBIF occurrence download. Retrieved from
The correct reference should be: (19 April 2017). GBIF Occurrence Download