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21 January 2020 A Direct Comparison of Sympatric High-Latitude Pinus contorta and Picea albertiana Ring-Width Chronologies
Wayne L Strong
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An emerging trend in tree-ring research is use of multiple species for reconstructing paleoclimates, but the possible simultaneous use of boreal-cordilleran species is untested. In this study, ring-width chronologies of sympatric Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine, n = 116 series) and Picea albertiana (western white spruce, n = 348 series) were constructed to assess their temporal (dis)similarities and correlative relationships with meteorological variables. Chronology construction was based on multiple Regional Curve Standardization. Most (97.5%) Pinus chronology values occurred within ±1 SD of their Picea counterparts, but Picea values tended to be slightly less (sign-test, p < 0.001, n = 201). Pinus ring widths were more frequently (16 versus 9) and more strongly correlated (U-test, p < 0.009) with 1942–2013 meteorological variables than Picea. Both species were correlated with moisture variables, but Picea was not correlated with those of temperature. Pinus and Picea ring-width variation was best explained by summer (r = –0.434) and annual (r = –0.426) heat-moisture index values (p < 0.001, n = 72) among tested variables, respectively. Although seldom used, P. contorta appears as suitable as conventionally-used P. albertiana based on chronology similarity, but a greater diversity of significant correlation outcomes suggest Pinus is potentially more useful for boreal-cordilleran paleoclimate reconstruction.

Copyright © 2020 by the Tree-Ring Society
Wayne L Strong "A Direct Comparison of Sympatric High-Latitude Pinus contorta and Picea albertiana Ring-Width Chronologies," Tree-Ring Research 76(1), 1-10, (21 January 2020).
Received: 20 March 2019; Accepted: 9 October 2019; Published: 21 January 2020
high latitude
lodgepole pine
ring width
white spruce
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