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1 July 2009 Annual Precipitation Variation Inferred from Tree Rings Since A.D. 1770 for the Western Qilian Mts., Northern Tibetan Plateau
Eryuan Liang, Xuemei Shao, Xiaohong Liu
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A long-term perspective of the recent climate change on the Tibetan Plateau is hampered by a lack of sufficiently long weather records. Here we describe a tree-ring based reconstruction of annual (prior July to current June) precipitation for the western Qilian Mts., northern Tibetan Plateau. This reconstruction accounts for 54.9% of the variance in instrumental precipitation data from 1935 to 2003. It shows distinct dry periods in 1782–1798, 1816–1837, 1869–1888 and 1920–1932, matching in general with local historical archives and other climatic proxy data on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Our research provides a background for evaluating hydroclimatic changes in the past two hundred years in a vulnerable arid region on the northern Tibetan Plateau.

Eryuan Liang, Xuemei Shao, and Xiaohong Liu "Annual Precipitation Variation Inferred from Tree Rings Since A.D. 1770 for the Western Qilian Mts., Northern Tibetan Plateau," Tree-Ring Research 65(2), 95-103, (1 July 2009).
Received: 25 January 2008; Accepted: 1 January 2009; Published: 1 July 2009
Picea crassifolia
precipitation reconstruction
Sabina przewalskii
tree rings
western Qilian Mts
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