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1 September 2018 Terrestrial Gastropods Present at Breidenthal Biological Reserve, An Eastern Deciduous Forest in Baldwin Woods Forest Preserve in Kansas
Elizabeth C. Davis-Berg, Daniel P. Beintema, Meghan O. Rock, Brittan A. Wilson
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We created a preliminary species list of the terrestrial gastropods at The University of Kansas' Breidenthal Biological Reserve, which is located near Baldwin City in Douglas County, Kansas, based on sampling of two different sites during two different years (2007 and 2015). Breidenthal is Eastern deciduous forest, mostly oak and hickory, and there is no record that it had been used for farming or grazing. There are no known surveys of gastropods from this site. Abundances ranged from 672 – 1824 gastropods/m2 in the intermittent stream quadrat and 288 – 720 gastropods/m2 in the open forest quadrat. There were 8 – 12 species found at each site with some variation between years with a total of 18 identified in total. The intermittent stream quadrat consistently has higher numbers of snails, but overall diversity dropped with a Shannon's Diversity index moving from 1.96 than 1.66. The opposite was noted in the open forest, where the Shannon's index increased from 2.02 to 2.40. Our data can be used in future surveys of Kansas to provide a baseline for regional gastropod biodiversity.

Elizabeth C. Davis-Berg, Daniel P. Beintema, Meghan O. Rock, and Brittan A. Wilson "Terrestrial Gastropods Present at Breidenthal Biological Reserve, An Eastern Deciduous Forest in Baldwin Woods Forest Preserve in Kansas," Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 121(3-4), 361-368, (1 September 2018).
Published: 1 September 2018
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