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1 September 2010 The Meadow Jumping Mouse on Konza Prairie Biological Station, Kansas
Glennis A. Kaufman, Donald W. Kaufman
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We report specific locations, habitat associations and attributes of meadow jumping mice (Zapus hudsonius) captured over a 28-year period on the Konza Prairie Biological Station, Kansas. We used large Sherman live traps to survey small mammals in native tallgrass prairie habitats (by traplines and grids), woodland habitats (by traplines and grids) and planted brome fields (traplines only). Fifteen meadow jumping mice were captured over the 28 years of surveys (a total of >300,000 trap nights). Nine males and six females were captured between late June and October; only a single male was scrotal and no females were visibly reproductively active. Furthermore, meadow jumping mice were from young adult-to-adult body size (13.5–21.0 g), except for a 9.5 g male trapped in mid-October. In terms of habitat association, more meadow jumping mice were captured in woodland habitats than in native prairie (standardized to trapping efforts in each habitat). No jumping mice were captured in brome fields. We conclude that overall the meadow jumping mouse is rare, but might be locally common in some years, on Konza Prairie, which lies near the southwestern edge of its current range distribution.

Glennis A. Kaufman and Donald W. Kaufman "The Meadow Jumping Mouse on Konza Prairie Biological Station, Kansas," Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 113(3/4), 209-216, (1 September 2010).
Published: 1 September 2010
limestone outcrops
planted brome fields
tallgrass prairie
woodland habitats
Zapus hudsonius
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