Map turtles and sawbacks (Emydidae: Graptemys) are riverine species for which several range extensions have been recently reported. There has been little previous documentation of Graptemys species in the upper Neches River basin in east Texas. In the upper Neches and its largest tributary, the Angelina River, I photographed basking and swimming turtles at highway crossings and captured them in basking traps to establish the ranges of Sabine (Graptemys sabinensis) and false map (Graptemys pseudogeographica) turtles. I obtained voucher photographs of G. sabinensis at 9 of 10 sites visited and of G. pseudogeographica at 6 of 10 sites; new county records number seven and one for the two species, respectively. The two Graptemys species were the predominant basking turtles of the upper Neches river drainage, with G. sabinensis outnumbering G. pseudogeographica overall by ratios of 2.8:1 in visual surveys and 1.2:1 in trapping surveys.