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1 March 2014 First nesting record of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) for Chihuahua, Mexico
Irene Ruvalcaba-Ortega, María Magdalena Salinas-Rodríguez, Javier Cruz-Nieto, José Ignacio González-Rojas
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We found two nests of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in Reserva Ecológica el Uno, located in Janos municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico. Contents of nests were recorded, photographed, and monitored between 28 March and 10 June 2007. Nests were constructed on honey mesquites (Prosopis glandulosa) and contained three eggs and three nestlings, respectively. These nests represent the first confirmed breeding record for the state of Chihuahua and the second for Mexico (outside Baja California).

Irene Ruvalcaba-Ortega, María Magdalena Salinas-Rodríguez, Javier Cruz-Nieto, and José Ignacio González-Rojas "First nesting record of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) for Chihuahua, Mexico," The Southwestern Naturalist 59(1), 135-138, (1 March 2014).
Received: 8 March 2012; Accepted: 1 February 2013; Published: 1 March 2014
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