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1 March 2011 Spiders of the Chihuahuan Desert of Southern New Mexico and Western Texas
David B. Richman, Sandra L. Brantley, David H-C. Hu, Mary E. A. Whitehouse
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Little information is available on spiders in the Chihuahuan Desert. In the Jornada del Muerto of southern New Mexico, we collected ca. 120 species of spiders in the past 30 years. We report four state records and five potential undescribed species. A comparison of our list of species with those from three other areas in the Chihuahuan Desert (White Sands National Monument and vicinity and Valley of Fires near Carrizozo and vicinity, both in New Mexico, and an area near Big Bend, Texas) revealed low overlap, indicating that the regional spider fauna is still not fully known. Baseline knowledge of the spider fauna from several sites could serve as a criterion for assessing climatic change.

David B. Richman, Sandra L. Brantley, David H-C. Hu, and Mary E. A. Whitehouse "Spiders of the Chihuahuan Desert of Southern New Mexico and Western Texas," The Southwestern Naturalist 56(1), 44-53, (1 March 2011).
Received: 29 November 2008; Accepted: 1 May 2010; Published: 1 March 2011
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