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1 January 2011 Embryological studies in Melia azedarach L.
Beatriz G. Galati, Sonia Rosenfeldt, G. Mónica Tourn
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Previous studies described the lateral flowers of Melia azedarach cymules as staminate, and the terminal one as perfect. This paper shows that all the flowers of the inflorescence present both gynoecium and androecium but only the terminal ones produce fruits. Both types of flowers are successful in developing megagametophytes and viable pollen. All flowers are fertilized but ovules of the lateral flowers of cymules degenerate after fertilization. The lateral flowers mature later than the apical ones. Therefore, it could be apical dominance by terminal flowers that prevents development of seeds from lateral ones as a possible energy saving. However, when the apical flower fails in its development after fertilization, lateral flowers can form seeds and fruits. This ensures good seed production in this species and that is what makes it a highly invasive species.

Beatriz G. Galati, Sonia Rosenfeldt, and G. Mónica Tourn "Embryological studies in Melia azedarach L.," The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 138(1), 26-33, (1 January 2011).
Received: 13 September 2010; Published: 1 January 2011
Melia azedarach
perfect flowers
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