The vegetation and vascular flora of the Bartlett Arboretum Forest, Stamford, Connecticut is described. Based upon abundance, frequency, and diameter at breast height (dbh) data from sixty-one, 100 m2 random quadrats collected in summer 2007, calculations of a species area curve, clustering of quadrat data and Importance Values (IV) were performed. Analysis shows a forest dominated by Fagus grandifolia (IV, 64.17), followed by Acer rubrum (IV 37.41), and Betula lenta (IV 33.84). The vascular flora is documented from collections made from fall 2006 through fall 2008 as well as herbarium records. A total of 351 vascular plant species from 95 families are recorded. The most represented families are the Poaceae (31 species), Asteraceae (30 species), Rosaceae (16 species), and Cyperaceae (16 species). These four families comprise 93 species and 26.4 percent of the flora. Exotic species comprise 26.7 percent of the flora with 94 species. Two species, Eurybia radula and Sibbaldiopsis tridentata are listed as endangered in the state of Connecticut.