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1 December 2010 Sex-Related Difference in the Ability of Carabus lewisianus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to Escape from Pitfall Traps
Hanae Yamashita, Katsumi Togashi, Keizi Kiritani
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Carabid beetles can escape from pitfall traps. To determine whether or not a femalebiased sex ratio for catches of Carabus lewisianus Breuning from pitfall traps could be explained by sexual differences in the rates of capture by and escape from traps, we performed two laboratory experiments to estimate these rates using mathematical models. The results indicated that the two sexes dropped into the pitfall traps at almost equal rates (0.0456/min for females and 0.0366/min for males) and that males escaped from the traps at rates of 0.0591 and 0.0889/ min, but no females managed to escape. The bias of escape rates in the field is shown by the higher captures of female C. lewisianus by pitfall traps. Calibration of capture and escape rates suggested similar activity densities of the two sexes in the field. Development of more accurate measures of the number of the relevant sex on the soil surface, and of the methodology for estimating the values of parameters in the field is discussed.

©2010 Entomological Society of Canada
Hanae Yamashita, Katsumi Togashi, and Keizi Kiritani "Sex-Related Difference in the Ability of Carabus lewisianus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to Escape from Pitfall Traps," The Canadian Entomologist 142(6), 589-595, (1 December 2010).
Received: 25 November 2009; Accepted: 25 June 2010; Published: 1 December 2010

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