The Commission has reinstated as available the generic names Thyone Oken, 1815 and Psolus Oken, 1815, which were introduced by Oken (1815) in a work that was suppressed by the Commission in Opinion 417 because it was not consistently binominal. The names acquired availability from subsequent use by Lesson (1830) with concepts that differ completely from Oken's, and from the currently accepted usage of these names. Thyone and Psolus are among the most frequently used generic names in the Holothuroidea.
Thyone Oken, 1815 and Psolus Oken, 1815 (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea): names reinstated as available," The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 72(3), 237-238, (1 September 2015).