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16 May 2023 Syntrichia lithophila, a fantastic new amphitropical disjunct from Oregon, United States
Jason R. Brooks, Javier A. Jauregui-Lazo
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Syntrichia lithophila (Dusén) Ochyra & R.H.Zander is reported for the first time from the northern hemisphere from Oregon, U.S.A., based on specimens collected during a project to better understand the bryoflora of eastern Oregon. This species represents a new amphitropical disjunct moss species to the Americas. We provide a full description of the species, photographs, and location map of the new Oregon specimen.

Jason R. Brooks and Javier A. Jauregui-Lazo "Syntrichia lithophila, a fantastic new amphitropical disjunct from Oregon, United States," The Bryologist 126(2), 221-225, (16 May 2023).
Received: 30 October 2022; Accepted: 24 February 2023; Published: 16 May 2023
bipolar distribution
long-distance dispersal
range extension
section Vallidens
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