Forest structural characteristics manipulated by alternative thinning treatments were associated with increases in cyanolichen and alectorioid species richness and changes in lichen community compositions. At two sites in moist conifer forests of western Oregon, lichen community monitoring plots were established before thinning treatments; the most diverse plots in each treatment were retained as diversity islands whereas the less diverse plots were treated in the thinning prescription. We resampled these plots approximately 10 years after thinning. At one site we found that lichen communities in diversity plots were quite similar to those in the surrounding treated forest and that the proportion of Tsuga heterophylla in the stand was negatively associated with alectorioid and cyanolichen richness. At both sites, hardwood gaps and open-grown trees were positively associated with cyanolichen species richness. At the other site, surrounding plots were more like diversity “leave-islands” after thinning than before. Furthermore, thinned plots had more hardwood gaps following the thinning. These thinned plots hosted more Bryoria, Candelaria concolor, Leptogium polycarpum, Peltigera collina, Nephroma laevigatum and Physcia tenella than had been observed prior to thinning. We concluded that thinning treatments retaining remnants, open-grown trees and hardwood gaps have potential to favor lichen communities rich in cyanolichen and alectorioid species.
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1 June 2010
Lichen habitat may be enhanced by thinning treatments in young Tsuga heterophylla-Pseudotsuga menziesii forests
Heather T. Root,
Bruce McCune,
Peter Neitlich

The Bryologist
Vol. 113 • No. 2
Summer 2010
Vol. 113 • No. 2
Summer 2010
forest management
Pacific Northwest