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26 September 2018 Thank You to the Reviewers of the 2018 Auk, Volume 135
Mark E. Hauber, T. Scott Sillett
Author Affiliations +

Peer review, effective and timely, is the basis of respect in today's scientific publishing and is essential to the maintenance of high standards in any journal. The efforts of reviewers are critical, yet unpaid. Therefore, we at the American Ornithological Society and The Auk: Ornithological Advances thank all of you who contributed reviews while Volume 135 was in preparation (reviews completed between July 2017 and June 2018). Individuals with asterisks next to their names reviewed two or more manuscripts.

The Auk: Ornithological Advances is also grateful for the work of our two dedicated editors; our busy and gender-balanced board of associate editors; the editors of In Memoriam, Book Reviews, and 100 Years Ago; and the expert editorial team members in the AOS Publications Office whose work made another successful year of The Auk possible. We invite all of our authors, referees, and society members, and ornithologists around the world, to continue supporting and publishing basic and broadly applicable ornithological science in our journal.


Fitsum Abadi*

Virginia Abernathy

Elizabeth Adkins-Regan

Peter Holdridge Adler

Çağlar Akçay

Jose Luis Alcantara*

Allison Alvarado

Michael Andersen*

Rindy Anderson

Marcelo Araya-Salas

Daniel Ardia

Wayne Arendt

Todd Arnold*

Robin Baird

Marleen Baling

Grant Ballard

Emilio Barba

Colleen Barber

Andrew Bartlow

Sahas Barve

Kat Bebbington

Arnaud Béchet

Craig Benkman

Thomas Benson*

Alexandra Bentz*

Lorelle Berkeley

Joris Bertrand

Caitlin Black

Diana Bolopo

Alexander Bond*

David Bonter

Keith Bowers*

Andy Boyce*

Alice Boyle

Talita Braga

Gustavo Bravo

Jeffrey Brawn*

Patricia Brekke

Patricia Brennan

Eli Bridge*

James Briskie*

Mary Brown

Theresa Burg*

Chris Burridge

Michael Butler*

Kristal Cain

Alaine Camfield

Joseph Casto

Ricardo Ceia

Anna Chalfoun

Nikita Chernetsov

Michael Cherry

Ioana Chiver

Alice Cibois

Carla Cicero

Santiago Claramunt

Mark Clark*

Robert Clark

Emily Cohen*

Andrea Contina*

Cintia Cornelius

Jamie Cornelius

Scott Cornman

Claire Curry

Robert Curry

Jessica Cusick

Abigail Darrah

Andrew Davis

Neal Dawson

Denis Deeming

Kaspar Delhey

Kira Delmore

Bill DeLuca

David DesRochers

Antony Diamond*

Raphael Igor Dias

Dimitar Dimitrov

Jonathan Dinkins

Stephen Dinsmore

Colleen Downs*

Sjoerd Duijns

John Faaborg

Susan Felege

Miguel Ferrer

Valentina Ferretti

Jon Fjeldså

Kevin Fletcher

Joseph Fontaine

Kevin Fraser

Todd Freeberg

Nicholas Friedman

Didone Frigerio

Jerome Fuchs

Adam Fudickar

Robert Furness

Adrian Gall

David Gammon*

Victoria Garcia

Eben Gering

Janice Glime

Juan Pablo Gomez

Camila Gomez Montez

Kate Goodenough

Elizabeth Gow

Brendan Graham*

Cheri Gratto-Trevor

Adam Green*

David Green

Jon Greenlaw*

Emma Greig

Santiago Guallar

Andre Guaraldo*

Christopher Guglielmo

Melanie Guigueno

Lauren Guillette

Natasha Hagemeyer*

Michelle Hall*

Michael Hallworth*

Daniel Hanley

Lori Hargrove

Brian Harrington

Christopher Heckscher*

Anders Hedenström

Paul Hendricks

Tobin Hieronymus

Keith Hobson

David Hoffman

David Horak

Peter Hosner

Peter Houde

Jocelyn Hudon

Joshua Hull

Branislav Igic

Tara Imlay*

Andrew Iwaniuk

Stewart Janes

Jill Jankowski

Lukas Jenni

Susanne Jenni-Eiermann

Erik Johnson*

Jason Jones

Caroline Judy

Nina Karnovsky

Todd Katzner

Robert Kenward

Haley Kenyon

Sarah Kingston

Ignacy Kitowski

Luke Klicka

David Koons

Niels Krabbe*

Oliver Kruger

Marcel Lambrechts*

Tom Langen

Sarah Leclaire

Sang-im Lee

Debbie Leigh*

Iris Levin

Wei Liang*

Sara Lipshutz

Simeon Lisovski

David Logue*

Michael Lombardo

Bruce Lyon

Regina Macedo

Katharina Mahr

Rafael Maia

Mark Mainwaring*

Heather Major*

James Maley

Raivo Mand

Joseph Manthey*

Rafael Marcondes

Miguel Marini

Graham Martin*

Thomas Martin

Nicholas Mason*

Christopher McClure

John McCormack

Fiona McDuie

Jay McEntee

Kent McFarland

S. Eryn McFarlane

Joel McGlothlin

Emily McKinnon

Laura McKinnon

Melissa Meadows

Hanneke Meijer

Juha Merilä*

Loren Merrill

Borja Milá

Douglas Mock

Anders Møller*

Robert Montgomerie

Frank Moore*

Edwin Moran

Yolanda Morbey*

Vladimir Motin

Genevieve Mount

James Mouton*

Bradley Mullens

Florian Müller

Angelika Nelson

Zoltán Németh*

Erica Nol*

Bart Nolet

Nadav Nur

William Oakley

William O'Shea

Andrew Parnell

Michael Patten*

Hans Christian Pedersen

Kathryn Peiman*

Jonathan Perez

A. Townsend Peterson

Sarah Peterson

Lisa Petit

Donald Phillips

Raymond Pierotti

Walter Piper

Jeffrey Podos*

Steven Portugal

Hannu Pöysa

Edwin Price

Peter Pyle*

Juan Carlos Rando

Sushma Reddy

Dustin Reichard

Leonard Reitsma

Matthew Reudink

Amanda Ridley

Kevin Ringelman

Stacey Robinson

William Rockey

Nicholas Rodenhouse

Amanda Rodewald*

Sievert Rohwer*

James Roper

Robert Rosenfield

Beth Ross*

Dustin Rubenstein*

Diego Rubolini

Oliver Ryder

Rebecca Safran

Brett Sandercock*

Sarah Saunders*

Michael Schaub

Susanne Schindler

Emmi Schlicht*

Mark Schneegurt

Laura Schoenle*

Nathan Senner

Matthew Shawkey

W. Gregory Shriver

Allison Shultz

Dave Shutler*

T. Sillett

Devraj Singh

Piotr Skórka

Dave Slager

Jennifer Smetzer*

Brian Tilston Smith

Guillaume Souchay

Calandra Stanley

David Steadman

Thomas Stidham

Scott Stoleson*

Douglas F. Stotz

Henry Streby*

Diego Sustaita

David Swanson

Karen Sweazea

Kaeli Swift

Corey Tarwater

Scott Taylor

Hiroshi Tazawa*

Ryan Terrill

Gregory Thom e Silva

Charles Thompson

Kasper Thorup*

Boris Tinoco

Brian Trevelline*

Jolyon Trocianko

Luke Tyrrell*

Dan Varland

Jorge Vega Rivera

Jeffrey Walters

Michael Ward

Nils Warnock

Karel Weidinger*

Andreanna Welch*

Joe Welklin

Aija White

Danielle Whittaker

Anne Wiley

Mikkel Willemoes

Cassondra Williams

Emily Williams

Heather Williams

Robert Wilson*

Scott Wilson*

Bodo Wilts

Kevin Winker*

Christopher Witt

Kevin Wood

Brad Woodworth

Ken Yasukawa

Rebecca Young

Nikita Zelenkov

Theodore Zenzal*

© 2018 American Ornithological Society.
Mark E. Hauber and T. Scott Sillett "Thank You to the Reviewers of the 2018 Auk, Volume 135," The Auk 135(4), 1195-1197, (26 September 2018).
Published: 26 September 2018
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