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The review process is essential to the maintenance of high scientific standards in a journal. The efforts of individual reviewers are remarkable, and we take this opportunity to acknowledge publicly those who contributed reviews during the period that Volume 127 was in preparation (reviews completed between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010). Individuals who reviewed two or more manuscripts are signified by an asterisk. We also acknowledge the hard work of the Associate Editors, listed on the inside of the front cover of The Auk, whose impartial assessments of the manuscripts and the reviewers' comments provided the basis for their recommendations to the Editor. Memorials and book reviews were solicited and managed by Alan H. Brush and R. Todd Engstrom, respectively.

Josh Adams, Elizabeth Adkins-Regan, Marissa Ahlering, David Ainley*, Alexandre Aleixo, Ray Alisauskas, Valentin Amrhein, Robert Anderson, Michael Anteau, Jose Aparicio, Jessica Armenta, Doug Armstrong, Todd Arnold*, Kathyrn Arnold, Beatriz Arroyo, Noah Ashley, Robert Askins, Jane Austin, Jesus Aviles, Rosa Ayala, Myron Baker, Maude Baldwin, Barbara Ballentine, Emilio Barba, Frederick Barker, Ana Barreira, Fernando Barri, George Barrow-clough*, Greg Baxter, Stuart Bearhop, Robert Beason*, Michael Beaulieu*, Steven Beissinger, Alison M. Bell, Craig Benkman*, Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, Thomas Benson, Elena Berg, Douglas Bertram, Mark Bertram, Matthew G. Betts*, Joel Bety*, Isabelle-Anne Bisson, John Blake, Guillermo Blanco, Dee Boersma, Alexander Bond*, Frances Bonier*, Sergio Borges, Carlos Bosque, Kimberly Bostwick, Raoul Boughton, Rauri Bowie, Reed Bowman*, Edward Braun*, Elodie Briefer, David Brown*, Mark Brown, Richard Buchholz, Deborah Buehler, Kevin Burns, Christopher Butler, William Buttemer, Carlos Daniel Cadena*, Vanina Chalcoff, Santiago Claramunt, Christopher Clark, Jonathan Cohen*, Emily Cohen, Mark Colwell, Sarah Converse, Jamie Cornelius, Stephane Cornet, Andrea Cruz-Angon, Victor Cueto, Jaap Damste, Etienne Danchin, Stephen Davis, Russell Dawson, Ivan de la Hera*, Kim Derrickson, Andre Desrochers, Andre Dhondt, Duane Diefenbach, Tom Dietsch, Maurine Dietz, Paul Doherty*, Olga Dolnik, Robert Dorazio, Victoria Dreitz*, Mark Drever, Robert Dudley, Matthew Dugas, Katie Dugger, Erica Dunn, Gareth Dyke, Muir Eaton*, Laurie Eberhardt, Susan Ellis-Felege, Steven Emslie, Daniel Esler, Matthew Etterson*, John Faaborg*, Gustavo Fernandez, Robert Flesicher*, Paul Flint, Anna Forsman, Mercedes Foster, Charles Francis*, James Fraser, Peter Frederick, Todd Freeberg, Leondard Freed, Susannah French, Thomas Friedl, Robert Furness, Ismael Galvan, David Gammon, Lenny Gannes*, Kimball Garrett*, Gilles Gauthier*, Sidney Gauthreaux*, Mathieu Giraudeau, Andrew Gosler*, Wolfgang Goymann, Diane Granfors, David Green, Russell Greenberg*, Michael Griesser, Simon Griffith, Patricia Grove, Christopher Guglielmo, Caldwell Hahn*, Frank Hailer, Wouter Halfwerk*, Linnea Hall*, Meena Haribal, Nancy Harrison, John Harshman, Benjamin Hatchwell, Michaela Hau*, Mark Haussmann, Joseph Haydock*, Stephanie Hazlitt, Percy Hebert, Dennis Heisey, Barbara Helm*, James Herkert*, Jason Hill, Mark J. Hipfner, Keith Hobson*, Wesley Hochachka, Stephen Hoffman, Christopher Hofmann*, Jacob Hoglund, Rebecca Holberton, Kay E. Holekamp, Richard Holland*, Marie-Jeanne Holveck, Greg Holwell, Dominique Homberger, Jeffrey Hoover, Peter Houde, A. Russell Hoelzel, Todd Hunter, Jerry Hupp, T. Andrew Hurly*, Branislav Igic, Lawrence Igl, Richard Inger, Danny Ingold, Darren Irwin, Alex Jahn, Fabian Jaksic, Tim Janicke, Mike Janssen*, Kevin Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Jason Jones, Leo Joseph*, Frans Juola, Michael Kaller, Julian Kapoor, Todd Katzner, Greg Keller, Jeffrey Kelly, Bart Kempenaers, Kevin Kerr, Marc Kery, David King, Jeremy Kirchman, Alexander Kirschel, Walter Koenig*, Karl Kosciuch*, David Krementz, William Kristan, Donald Kroodsma, James Kushlan, Marcel Lambrechts, Lillie Langlois, David Lank, Keith Larson, Frank Lasorte, Quresh Latif, Steven Latta, Yvon Le Maho, James Leafloor, Esa Lehikoinen, Patrick Lemons, Jan Lifield, Steven Lima, William Link, John Lloyd, Bernie Lohr, Michael Lombardo, Travis Longcore, David Luther, Heather Lynch, Joah Madden, Mark Mallory, Raivo Mand, Albrecht Manegold, Lilian Manica, Jeff Marks*, Peter Marra, Lynn Martin*, Carlos Martínez del Rio, Juan Masello, Blake Mathys, Brady Mattsson*, John McCarty, John McCormack*, Kevin McGraw, Bailey McKay, Scott McWilliams*, Christopher Merkord, Borja Mila, Greg Mitchell*, Anders Møller, Frank Moore*, Christopher Moore, Ignacio Moore, Dana Morris, Eugene Morton, James Mountjoy, Robert Moyle, Andrey Mukhin, Enrique Murgui, Laura Nagy, Shinichi Nakagawa, Kim Nelson, Erwin Nemeth, Nicole Nemeth, Benjamin Nephew, Diane Neudorf*, Seth Newsome*, Ryan Nielson*, Gerald Niemi, Erica Nol*, Ryan Norris, Timothy O'Connell, Nicole Odell, Terence O'Dwyer, Nariko Oka, Storrs Olson, Dawn O'Neal, Steffen Oppel, Kathleen O'Reilly, Juan Francisco Ornela, Yvette Ortega, Tomasz Osiejuk, Ulf Ottosson, Sara Oyler-McCance, Eduardo Palacios, Grant Palmer, Keith Pardieck, Jesko Partecke, Gail Patricelli, Ellen Paul, Alexandra Pavlova, Eben Paxton*, Aaron Pearse*, Liba Pejchar*, Colin Pennycuick, Marcell Peters, Townsend Peterson*, Albert Phillimore, Theunis Piersma, Andrea Pilastro, David Pimentel, Walter Piper, Angelika Poesel, Kenneth Pollock, David Post, Shane Pruett, Kathryn Purcell, Jorge L. Pérez-Emán, James Quinn, Marilyn Ramenofsky*, Christoph Randler, Martin Raphael, John Rappole, Juan Reboreda, Wendy Reed*, Vladimir Remes, J. V. Remsen, Jr.*, Marco Restani, Matt Reudink*, Pedro Rey, Richard Reynolds, S. James Reynolds, Camila Ribas, Jason Riddle, Christina Riehl, Mark Robbins*, Scott K. Robinson, Erin Roche, Deborah Rocque, Paul Rodewald, Karyne Rogers, Staffan Roos*, James Roper, Amber Roth, Stephen Rothstein, Alexandre Roulin, Charlotte Roy, Jeffrey Royle*, Scott Ruch, Minna Ruokonen, James Russell, Oliver A. Ryder, Thomas Brandt Ryder*, Nicola Saino, Brett Sandercock, Glen Sargeant, John Sauer, Martin Schaefer, Michael Schaub, Joel Schmutz*, Julia Schroeder, James Sedinger, Scott Shaffer, Judy Shamoun-Baranes, Matthew Shawkey, Thomas Sherry*, Daniel Shustack, Dave Shutler, Paul Sievert, Stuart Slattery, Brian Smith, Keith Sockman, Sanna Sokolow, Matthew Solensky, Kiran Soma, Michael Sorenson*, Tristan Stayton, Karen Steenhof*, Tammy Steeves, Frank Steinheimer, Martyn Stenning, Ian Stewart, David Stokes, Bard Stokke, Scott Stoleson, Allan Strong, Jennifer Stucker, Akinori Takahashi, John Takekawa, Scott Taylor, Ethan Temeles, Joshua Tewksbury, Wayne Thogmartin*, Len Thomas, Rose Thorogood, Kasper Thorup, Bret Tobalske*, Diana Tomback, Chris Tonra, Matthew Toomey, Alicia Toon, Andrea Townsend, James Tucker, Marcel Van Tuinen*, Steve Van Wilgenburg, Stephen Vander Wall, Carl Vangestel, Richard Veit, Alberto Velando*, John Videler, Peter Waldeck, Eric Walters*, Jeffrey Walters, Ken Warheit, Ian Warkentin, Nils Warnock, Michael Webster, Jason Weckstein, Henri Weimerskirch, Danielle Whittaker, Linda Whittingham, Karen Wiebe, Scott Wilson, John Wingfield, David W. Winkler, Maiken Winter, Christopher Witt, Blair Wolf, Larry Wolf, Timothy Wright*, Michael Wunder, Reuven Yosef, Liana Zanette, Robert Zink, and David Zuwerink.

© 2010 by The American Ornithologists' Union. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press's Rights and Permissions website,
"Reviewers for the Auk 2010," The Auk 127(4), 967-968, (1 October 2010).
Published: 1 October 2010
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