I describe the phenology of territorial Greater Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) from a long-term (20+ y) marked population near Briggsville, Wisconsin. Territorial adults typically arrived in mid-March (average = 27 Mar., median = 25 Mar.) and egg-laying commenced a median date of 2 wk post-arrival. Chicks typically hatched in mid-May (average and median = 12 May). Renesting occurred from 3-14 d after the first clutch failed and renests hatched from late May to early July (95% CI: 23 May–8 Jul.). Known territorial birds began congregating in mid-Sept, and fall migration typically occurred in late Nov. Territory use by adults occurred at all stages of the annual cycle and may be a way to ensure reclamation of the territory in subsequent years.
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3 January 2022
Phenology of Territorial Sandhill Cranes on the Breeding Grounds in South-Central Wisconsin
Matthew A. Hayes
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