Author Affiliations +
Abour H. Cherif,* Linda Michel,** Farahnaz Movahedzadeh,*** Robert Aron,* Gerald Adams,**** Sharron Jenkins*****
*ABOUR H. CHERIF, Ph.D. (, is Associate Dean of Math and Science Curriculum, and Professor of Biology and Science Education; and ROBERT ARON, Ph.D. (, is Dean, New Product Development; both in Academic Affairs, DeVry University, Addison, IL 60101-6106.
**LINDA O. MICHEL, Ph.D., is Science Curriculum Manager and Microbiology Instructor, DeVry University, Wooster, OH 44691; e-mail:
***FARAHNAZ MOVAHEDZADEH, Ph.D., is Biology Faculty, Department of Biology, Harold Washington College, Chicago, IL 60601, and Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Tuberculosis Research, Chicago, IL 60612-7231; e-mail:
****GERALD ADAMS, Ph.D., is Professor of Geology and Environmental Science, Science and Mathematics Department, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL 60605; e-mail:
*****SHARRON JENKINS, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Purdue University North Central, Westville, IN 46391; e-mail: