Neostenanthera (Annonaceae) is a genus of five species of trees, shrubs, and under-shrubs spread throughout west and central tropical Africa and endemic to the Guineo-Congolian region. It occurs in a wide range of habitats from swampy areas to high rainforests and from almost sea level to 900 m. Neostenanthera can be distinguished from other related genera (e.g. Boutiquea) by its stipitate fruits with ellipsoid or fusiform monocarps, the stipes articulated under the monocarps. In the present revision, five species are accepted (N. gabonensis, N. hamata, N. myristicifolia, N. neurosericea, and N. robsonii). A dichotomous key is provided, as well as detailed descriptions of the genus and for each species, discussions on morphology and taxonomy. Distribution maps and drawings of the species are also provided.