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12 August 2024 New faunistic data on Cunaxidae (Acari: Bdelloidea) of Asian Russia
Alexander A. Khaustov, Vladimir A. Khaustov
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New faunistic data on mites of the family Cunaxidae of Asian Russia are provided. A total of 11 species were found, among them four species are described as new for science, namely, Neobonzia scutata sp. nov., Cunaxa palustris sp. nov., C. quinquesetosa sp. nov., and Cunaxoides magnificus sp. nov. Scirula impressa Berlese is recorded from Russia for the first time and redescribed; Cunaxoides trepidus Kuznetsov and Livshitz recorded from Asian Russia for the first time and redescribed; Armascirus fendai Kalúz and Vrabec and Cunaxoides lootsi Den Heyer are recorded from Russia for the first time; Cunaxa gordeevae Sergeyenko, C. anomala Khaustov and Kuznetsov, and Cunaxoides desertus Kuznetsov and Livshitz are recorded from Asian Russia for the first time.

Alexander A. Khaustov and Vladimir A. Khaustov "New faunistic data on Cunaxidae (Acari: Bdelloidea) of Asian Russia," Systematic and Applied Acarology 29(8), 1058-1090, (12 August 2024).
Received: 7 June 2024; Accepted: 26 July 2024; Published: 12 August 2024
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