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6 January 2021 New species of Kuzinellus Wainstein and redescription of Kuzinellus querellus (Ueckermann & Loots) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) with morphological and DNA barcode data
Jandir C. Santos, Monica R. Young, Peterson R. Demite, Paul D. N. Hebert
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In this paper, a new species of Kuzinellus Wainstein, K. gabonensis sp. nov., is described based on specimens collected in Gabon. This new species is morphologically similar to K. querellus (Ueckermann & Loots), but it can be distinguished mainly by the knobbed tip of the dorsal setae Z4, spermatheca shape and by its possession of more than 15% divergence in the DNA barcode region of COI. Additionally, Kuzinellus querellus is reported for the first time from Kenya and accompanied by a redescription of morphological and DNA barcode data.

© Systematic & Applied Acarology Society
Jandir C. Santos, Monica R. Young, Peterson R. Demite, and Paul D. N. Hebert "New species of Kuzinellus Wainstein and redescription of Kuzinellus querellus (Ueckermann & Loots) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) with morphological and DNA barcode data," Systematic and Applied Acarology 26(1), 135-145, (6 January 2021).
Received: 23 July 2020; Accepted: 17 November 2020; Published: 6 January 2021
molecular characterization
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