The following new species from Malaysia/Borneo are described: Palorus borneensis n. sp., Platydema orientaloides n. sp., and Promethis bosuangi n. sp. Palorus cerylonoides (Pascoe, 1836) and Platydema saundersi Schawaller, 2012 are recorded for the first time from Borneo. New faunistic data of eight further species are added.
1 Introduction
In the present sixth contribution to the Tenebrionidae of Borneo a new species of the genus Palorus Mulsant, 1854 is described and new faunistic data concerning several other species of the tribe Palorini Matthews, 2003 are dealt with. Furthermore, one new species each of the genera Platydema Laporte & Brullé, 1831 and Promethis Pascoe, 1869 are described. New faunistic data of eight further species are added.
2 The species
2.1 Tenebrioninae Latreille, 1802
Palorini Matthews, 2003
Palorinus opticus Halstead, 1967
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Poring Hot Springs, Apurosa sp., lower mountain mixed dipterocarp forest, > 650 m, fog A 51/F 4, 26.I.1993, A. Floren leg., 1 ex. (CRG).
Until now only the holotype was known (Grimm 2003, Halstead 1967).
Borneo (Grimm 2003, Halstead 1967).
Palorus andrewesi Blair, 1930
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, E Keningau, Bingkor, 20.- 22.III.2007, R. Grimm leg., 2 ex. (CRG).
Borneo (E Malaysia/Sabah), India, Singapore (Halstead 1967). Indonesia (Bali, Sumatra), Laos, Thailand, W Malaysia (new records based on specimens in CRG, SMNS, and ZSM).
Palorus austrinus Champion, 1896
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, 23 km NE Kota Belud, 80 m, 16.II.2006, R. Grimm leg., 1 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, E Keningau, Bingkor, 20.-22.III.2007, R. Grimm leg., 2 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Keningau, 17.-19.II.2006, R. Grimm leg., 1 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, 10 km W Keningau, 24.XI.2006, R. Grimm leg., 2 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, 10 miles point from Keningau, 8.III.1993, T. Ueno leg., 1 ex. (ZSM). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, S Tenom, Tomani, 23.XI.2006, R. Grimm leg., 2 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Tamang Bunsit, near Keningau, 13.-14.III.1993, T. Ueno leg., 1 ex. (ZSM). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, 23 km NE Tenom, 10.V.2005, R. Grimm leg., 2 ex. (CRG).
Australia, Borneo (Brunei, E Malaysia/Sabah), Philippines (Halstead 1967). Indonesia: Bali (new record based on specimens in CRG).
Palorus borneensis n. sp.
(Figs. 3, 3a, 3b)
Holotype ♂: Borneo, [Malaysia], Sabah, Crocker Mts., Gunung Emas env., 15.-27.IV.1993, I. Jeniš & M. Štrba leg. (CRG). / Palorus sp. n. aff. carinicollis (Gebien), R. Grimm det. 2004. / Palorus sp. n., D. G. H. Halstead det. 2004.
The species name refers to Borneo where the holotype was collected.
Body oblong, length 3.3 mm, width 1.2 mm, ferruginous; micro-reticulation shallow, more distinct on pronotum than on elytra.
Head with genae produced into subtriangular, foliate horns with truncate apex; with distinct depression on each side next to eyes; eyes large.
Pronotum transverse, width/length ratio 1.29, with distinct lateral longitudinal depressions; disc slightly convex between depressions, then steeply declivous towards explanate lateral margin. Apical margin shallowly bi sinuate, basal margin and lateral margins nearly straight; all margins bordered, border of apical margin interrupted in the middle. Surface coarsely and densely punctured; distances between punctures smaller than diameters of punctures.
Elytra with striae of punctures, intervals only with minute punctures arranged in one row.
Aedeagus see Fig. 3a.
Differential diagnosis
From the Oriental Region so far no Palorus with genal horns were known. Palorus borneensis n. sp. is similar to the Ethiopian P. carinicollis (Gebien, 1907). However, in males of P. carinicollis usually the apical pronotal margin is produced horizontally in the midline (Halstead 1967: fig. 5). The pronotum of P. carinicollis is somewhat finer and less densely punctured; the distances between punctures are equal to or larger than diameters of punctures. The intervals of the elytra are with larger punctures and the species differ in the shape of the aedeagus (Figs. 3a, 4).
Palorus cerylonoides (Pascoe, 1836)
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Poring Hot Springs, 450–600 m, 9.-11.III.2007, W. Schawaller leg., 1 ex. (SMNS).
Probably of Indo-Malayan origin (Halstead 1967). Widespread in the Oriental and Ethiopian Regions, and also found in the Palaearctic Region: Fiji, “French West Africa”, Great Britain, India, Iran, Japan, Madagascar, Mariana Is., Marquesas Is., Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines, Samoan Is., Seychelles, Solomon Is., Vietnam (Halstead 1967: map 2, p. 109). Borneo (new record), Indonesia (Java), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam (new records based on specimens in CRG, SMNS, and ZSM).
Platycotylus nitidulus (Macleay, 1872)
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, 23 km NE Tenom, 10.V.2005, R. Grimm leg., 6 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Tambunan, 16.-19.I.2010, R. Grimm leg., 1 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu Nat. Park, HQ area, 1500–1650 m, 23.-26.III.2015, R. Grimm leg., 1 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Kampung Takala, Kinabatangan river, 5.VI.1989, J. Kodada & F. Čiampor leg., 1 ex. (SMNS). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu Nat. Park, Poring Hot Springs, 600 m, 6°03′N/116°42′E, D. Bartsch & C. Häuser leg., 1 ex. (SMNS). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak, Belaga, Long Linau, 17.-21.III.1990, A. Riedel leg., 1 ex. (SMNS).
Australia (Queensland), Borneo (E Malaysia/Sabah), India incl. Andaman Is., Indonesia (Ceram, West Papua), Key Is., Laos, Nepal, New Guinea, Thailand, Vietnam (Gebien 1940, Kaszab 1965, 1973, 1980 [all under Doliema Pascoe, 1860], Merkl 1992). Indonesia (Sumatra), W Malaysia (new records based on specimens in SMNS and ZSM).
Platycotylus parvicollis (Pic, 1923)
Material examined
Borneo, Brunei, Muara, Bandar Seri Begawan, 10.V.1995, E. Heiss leg., 1 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Tambunan, 16.-19.I.2010, R. Grimm leg., 2 ex. (CRG).
Borneo, Philippines, Indonesia (Sumatra), Thailand, Vietnam (Gebien 1940 under Doliema Pascoe, 1860, Merkl 1992). India, W Malaysia (new records based on specimens in SMNS).
Ulomina carinata Baudi di Selve, 1876
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, E Keningau, Bingkor, 20.-22.III.2007, R. Grimm leg., 3 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, NW Keningau, Keningau—Kimanis, 600 m, 7.II.2006, R. Grimm leg., 4 ex. (CRG).
According to Halstead (1967) [under Coelopalorus foveicollis (Blair, 1930)] it is of Oriental origin and widely distributed with stored products. Borneo (E Malaysia/ Sabah/Sarawak); Cocos Keeling Is., Great Britain, Guam Is., Guyana, Hawaiian Is. (Hawaii, Oahu), India incl. Andaman Is., Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Kenya, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines (Luzon, Mindanao), Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tanzania, Trinidad, U.S.A., Vietnam, W Malaysia (Grimm 2004, Halstead 1967). Italy (Scupola 2002).
Ulomina martinae Scupola, 2002
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, 10 miles point from Keningau, 8.III.1993, T. Ueno leg., 1 ex. (ZSM).
Borneo (Sabah), China (Hainan), Hawaiian Is. (Oahu), India, Indonesia (Java), Laos, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, W Malaysia (Grimm 2004, Halstead 1967) [ Halstead's records under Coelopalorus carinatus (Blair, 1930)]. Indonesia (Sulawesi) (new record based on specimen in ZSM).
2.2 Diaperinae Latreille, 1802
Diaperini Latreille, 1802
Neomida tricornis (Gebien, 1925)
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak, Santubong Peninsula, Permai Rainforest Resort, 20–150 m, 13.-15.III.2008, R. Grimm leg., 1 ex. (CRG). — Same data, but 23.-27.III.2009, R. Grimm leg. 1 ex. (CRG). — Same data, but 14.-26.II.2012, R. Grimm leg., 8 ex. (CRG). — Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak, Kubah Nat. Park, HQ area, 160–300 m, 25.-27.II.2012, R. Grimm leg., 31 ex. (CRG).
Borneo (E Malaysia/Sabah, Indonesia/Kalimantan), Indonesia (Sulawesi, Sumatra) (Schawaller 2002). Borneo (E Malaysia/Sarawak) (new record).
Platydema orientaloides n. sp.
(Figs. 2, 2a)
Holotype ♂: Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Danum Valley Conservation Area, Borneo Rainforest Lodge, 1.-3.IV.2013, R. Grimm leg. (CRG).
Orientaloides = orientalis-like.
Body oblong, subcylindrical, ferruginous, shining, length 3.6 mm, width 1.75 mm.
Head with distinct punctation. Frons with two symmetrical, short and broad horns, without setation. Clypeus with minute antero-clypeal tubercle. Length/width ratio of antennomeres 1 to 11 as 5:3 / 1:1 / 4:2.5 / 3:3.5 / 2:3 / 1:2 / 1: 2 / 1:2 / 1:2 / 1:2 / 1:1; antennomere 3 long.
Pronotum transverse, broadest near base, transversely convex, punctured as on head. Basal margin shallowly bisinuate; lateral margins nearly straight in basal half, weakly rounded towards apex; apical margin finely bordered; border of lateral margins distinctly stronger; basal margin only finely bordered in the sinuosity besides middle. Anterior and posterior angels broadly rounded. Propleura wrinkled with long setation.
Elytra convex transversely, subparallel-sided, length/ width ratio = 1.43; besides scutellar striole with 8 rows of punctures, third row with 48 punctures; intervals flat, with 2–3 irregular rows of punctures distinctly finer as on pronotum; lateral margins in dorsal view visible throughout nearly entire length, concealed only near apex.
Legs without modifications.
Aedeagus see Fig. 2a.
Differential diagnosis
Platydema orientaloides n. sp. has a subcylindrical body shape similar to P. orientalis Gebien, 1911, known from Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (Schawaller 2004), but the latter species is distinctly larger (body length 5.5–6.7 mm), its body is castaneous to piceous, and it differs conspicuously in the shape of the aedeagus (compare Fig. 2a with fig. 126 of Schawaller 2004).
Figs. 1–4.
Tenebrionidae spp., dorsal views (1, 2, 3), lateral view of head (3a), aedeagi, dorsal (1a left, 2a, 3b, 4) and lateral (1a right) views. — 1, 1a. Promethis bosuangi n. sp. ♂ holotype. 2, 2a. Platydema orientaloides n. sp. ♂ holotype. 3, 3a, 3b. Palorus borneensis n. sp. ♂ holotype. 4. Palorus carinicollis (Gebien).

Platydema saundersi Schawaller, 2012
Material examined
Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu Nat. Park, Poring Hot Springs, 525 m, 12.-13.IV.2015, R. Grimm leg., 1 ♀ (CRG).
Singapore, Sulawesi (Schawaller 2012), Borneo (E Malaysia/Sabah) (new record).
2.3 Stenochiinae Kirby, 1837
Cnodalonini Gistel, 1856
Promethis bosuangi n. sp.
(Figs. 1, 1a)
Holotype ♂: Borneo, Malaysia, Sabah, NW Danum Valley Conservation Area, Kuamut, 700 m, 22.I.2015, S. Bosuang leg. (CRG).
This species is named in honour of Dr. Steven Bosuang (Kota Kinabalu), the collector of the holotype.
Elongate, robust, black, body length 28 mm, body width 10 mm.
Head widest across middle of eyes; labrum in the middle weakly transversely keeled; anterior border of clypeus shallowly emarginate, laterally straight towards clypeogenal meeting; fronto-clypeal suture strongly, clypeogenal suture finer, but well incised. Clypeus lower than genae and frons, genae raised. Temples strong, embracing hind border of eyes. Frons next to eyes with elevation and close beside it deeply, longitudinally impressed. Genae and clypeus finely punctured apically, punctures becoming coarser towards clypeo-frontal suture and here transversely rugose; elevations next to eyes and adjacent impressions very coarsely punctured. Antennae long, almost reaching base of pronotum; antennomeres 4–10 on inner side densely, coarsely punctured, apically with some long hairs; terminal antennomere distinctly ciliated apically on inner side. Mentum subcordiform, with apical border shallowly emarginate and basal border straight; surface densely rugosely punctured and hirsute.
Pronotum transversely convex, widest in the middle, subquadrate, width/length ratio 0.86 (measured along transversal and longitudinal midlines). Anterior margin straight; lateral margins anteriorly broadly arcuate towards apex, posteriorly slightly converging towards base, base bisinuate; posterior angles acute, dentiform. All margins distinctly bordered; border of apical and basal margins laterally fine, broadening towards middle; broad part in the middle of apical border obliterated. Surface densely punctured, punctation coarsely confluent at places, particularly basally; with shallow mid-longitudinal impression and with a small, round, shallow impression in posterior third between midline and lateral margin. Propleura coarsely to rugosely punctured. Prosternal process broad, arcuate towards apex; shallowly, coarsely transversely corrugate bisulcate; between sulci and inner borders of procoxae raised and embracing basal inner part of coxae.
Elytra striate-punctate; intervals convex, with scattered minute punctures, nearly smooth; lateral margins in dorsal view visible along entire length; pseudopleura in anterior half smooth, in posterior half transversely rugose; basal margins in inner half besides scutellum with broad, horizontal, nearly semicircular protuberance, overlapping partly base of pronotum (Fig. 1). Scutellum elongate triangular. Metaventrite nearly smooth in the middle, with punctures becoming more distinct laterally; basally with transversely rugose impression in the middle. Abdominal ventrites densely, finely punctured; ventrite 5 bordered.
Legs. Profemora short, with inner side basally deeply emarginate, forming a clinched club with short handle; behind emargination with small tumefaction. Protibiae apically widened and strongly curved inwards, beyond the attachment of protarsi tooth-like extended and here dorsally excavated and externally pilose. Mesotibia and metatibia apically dilated, and here ventrally fringed.
Aedeagus see Fig. 1a. Apicale abruptly constricted before apex, acuminate tip without barbed hooks.
Differential diagnosis
Promethis bosuangi n. sp. is characterized by the elytral protuberance, clavate profemora, shape of apex of protibiae, characters of antennomeres, and shape of apicale of aedeagus and can thus be easily separated from all known congeners.
I am grateful to Johannes Reibnitz (Stuttgart) for producing the photographs and arranging them on plates. For loans I thank Drs. Michael Balke (München) and Wolfgang Schawaller (Stuttgart). Thanks are also due to david g. H. Halstead (Old Windsor) for valuable comments concerning the new Palorus species, and Drs. Ottó Merkl (Budapest) and Wolfgang Schawaller for reviewing the manuscript.